Someone Like You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Someone Like You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word does Halley think she hears during the argument between Scarlett and her mother?
(a) Slut.
(b) Protection.
(c) Condom.
(d) Hypocrite.

2. How old was Marion when Scarlett was born?
(a) Junior in college.
(b) Senior in high school.
(c) Senior in college.
(d) Junior in high school.

3. Why does Halley's mother tell her to come straight home from school?
(a) To talk about this relationship with Macon.
(b) To talk about the lies she has been telling.
(c) To talk about a plan for her birthday.
(d) To talk about Scarlett's abortion.

4. What warning is Halley given about Macon?
(a) That he doesn't care about her.
(b) That he is seeing other girls.
(c) That he can treat girls badly.
(d) That he is into some very dangerous things.

5. In what month does Michael tell Scarlett that he loves her?
(a) August.
(b) October.
(c) July.
(d) September.

6. Why does Halley go to see the counselor on the first day of school?
(a) Her schedule is all wrong.
(b) She is in trouble.
(c) She wants to spy on Macon.
(d) She wants to get help for Scarlett.

7. What does Macon do to make Halley and Scarlett laugh?
(a) Tells them one of Ginny's secrets.
(b) Makes fun of Ginny.
(c) Takes them to the dam on a wild ride.
(d) Tells Scarlett she needs to eat more healthy foods.

8. Why does Scarlett's mother refuse to accompany her daughter to the funeral?
(a) No other adults will be there.
(b) She did not approve of their relationship.
(c) Funerals freak her out.
(d) She cannot get off of work.

9. What does Halley's mother want her to do that Halley avoids?
(a) Watching movies with the Vaughns.
(b) Baking cookies and talking together.
(c) Listening to her father's radio show.
(d) Mowing the lawn.

10. Where does Macon live?
(a) In a trailer with his mother.
(b) In a house similar to Scarlett's.
(c) In the penthouse suite in an apartment.
(d) In a foster home.

11. Why does Scarlett says that having the baby is hard?
(a) Because she is too young.
(b) Because Halley is distracted with Macon.
(c) Because she can't tell anyone else.
(d) Because Michael isn't there.

12. How are Halley's feelings described as Macon pulls her close and kisses her when the dam is opening?
(a) Surprised and safe.
(b) Unsure and terrified.
(c) Relieved and surprised.
(d) Terrified and exhilarated.

13. When is the only time that Scarlett and Michael expose themselves?
(a) At the grocery store.
(b) During P.E. class.
(c) In the lunch room at school.
(d) At the lake with Halley.

14. What does Scarlett tell Halley when they meet at the soda machines?
(a) To stay away from Macon.
(b) That her schedule is ridiculous.
(c) That she is feeling sick.
(d) That she can't stay at school.

15. How does Halley startle Macon?
(a) She opens the window quickly.
(b) She sneaks up behind him.
(c) She calls his name quietly.
(d) She climbs down the tree beside him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Halley reflect on when Macon heads toward the parking lot full of long-haired guys?

2. What does Halley first see when the lights and noise start?

3. What class do Macon and Halley share?

4. Why does Halley forgive Scarlett for the amount of time she spends with Michael and not with her?

5. How long after he tells Scarlett that he loves her does Michael die?

(see the answer keys)

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