Someone Like You Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Someone Like You Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Scarlett tell Halley she is sorry?
(a) Because Halley is crying.
(b) Because she feels responsible.
(c) Because she had to tell her mother.
(d) Because Macon is not there.

2. What impresses Halley about Scarlett when they first meet?
(a) Her boldness and competence.
(b) The way she seems to have everything together.
(c) How she is able to manipulate her mother.
(d) The fact that she is older than Halley.

3. In what way does Halley's mother say that she is like Halley?
(a) She doesn't see people like they are.
(b) She refuses to consider the opinions of others.
(c) She is too trusting of people.
(d) She wants to help people no matter what.

4. How does Scarlett react to Halley's revelation about Scarlett never having been on her own?
(a) She said that she wanted Michael.
(b) She said that she didn't understand.
(c) She said it wasn't the same.
(d) She said she appreciated it.

5. What does Halley do as she rushes home for her curfew?
(a) Climbs a tree and sneaks in through her window.
(b) Runs through Scarlett's kitchen.
(c) Walks slowly thinking up an excuse.
(d) Stops to kiss Macon through the window.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Halley reflect on when Macon heads toward the parking lot full of long-haired guys?

2. Where does Halley's grandmother live?

3. Why is Halley's mother sad about Halley's break-up with Noah?

4. What does Halley say to her mother that makes her mother react as if she has been slapped?

5. Who does Halley defend to Elizabeth?

(see the answer key)

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