Someone Knows My Name Test | Final Test - Hard

Lawrence Hill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Someone Knows My Name Test | Final Test - Hard

Lawrence Hill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many days is it into Meena’s inland journey with the slave-trader when she overhears him saying he plans to sell her in the next village in Book Four, Chapter 20?

2. What is the title of Book Three, Chapter 16?

3. Where do the British set up the enrollment area where blacks can line up for emigration and have their name recorded in the Book of Negroes in Book Three, Chapter 13?

4. What is the neighborhood called that is made up of shacks owned by free or escaped blacks in New York in Book Three, Chapter 12?

5. One requirement for relocation by the British was having served the British forces for how long during the Revolutionary War?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Mr. Witherspoon predict about the settlement at Shelburne in Book Three, Chapter 15?

2. How are the territories of the American Revolutionary War described in the opening of Book Three, Chapter 13? How do these standings impact everyday life for Meena?

3. How is Sam Fraunces described when he is introduced in Book Three, Chapter 12? What exchange takes place between Sam and Meena at the hotel desk?

4. How much time has passed between the ending of Book Four, Chapter 19 and the beginning of Book Four, Chapter 20? How does Meena describe this period of time?

5. What is the history of Sam Fraunces that he reveals to Meena in Book Three, Chapter 12? Where is Sam from?

6. What is described by the narrator in Book Three, Chapter 11?

7. What takes place when Meena testifies before the parliamentary committee in Book Four, Chapter 21?

8. Where is Meena taken after she has recovered from the worst of her illness in the village in Book Four, Chapter 20?

9. Who meets Meena in Gravesend once she’s arrived in England in Book Four, Chapter 21? Where is Meena taken first?

10. What does Meena encounter when she goes to the Land Registry Office in Book Three, Chapter 14?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe and analyze the characters of Fomba and Aminata’s parents in the novel. How old do you imagine Aminata’s mother and father to be? What is the term used to describe Fomba’s status in the village? How does Aminata feel about Fomba’s status as a slave?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the characters of Fanta and Chekura in the narrative. How old are Chekura and Fanta? How did Chekura come to work for the slave-traders? How does Fanta stand apart among the captives? How does the relationship between Chekura and Aminata develop?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss Aminata’s journey to the plantation in Book Two, Chapter 6. How far does Meena travel by foot from Sullivan Island to St. Helena Island in South Carolina? How many days does this journey take? How does Meena describe the journey?

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