Some Prefer Nettles Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Some Prefer Nettles Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kaname do when he cannot fall asleep in Chapter 9?
(a) Writes postcards.
(b) Has a drink on the porch.
(c) Listens to the radio.
(d) Reads a travel guidebook.

2. In Chapter 10, what does Kaname think about the village?
(a) That it is more modern than some parts of Osaka.
(b) That he would like to live there.
(c) That it reminds him of his hometown.
(d) That it is like a place from another era.

3. Where did Kaname first see Aso with Misako?
(a) In the language school garden.
(b) On Kaname's porch.
(c) At the library.
(d) At a cafe.

4. When did Kaname begin to withdraw sexually from Misako?
(a) Within a year of marriage.
(b) Five years after they married.
(c) Immediately after they married.
(d) After he found out about Aso.

5. After leaving their room, what does O-hisa want to return for in Chapter 10?
(a) A hairpin.
(b) Her handbag.
(c) A more comfortable pair of shoes.
(d) Her parasol.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Takanatsu think about Aso's honesty in Chapter 7?

2. Where does Louise claim to be from?

3. Where does Kaname travel after leaving Misako's father and O-hisa behind in Chapter 11?

4. Why does Misako's father close his eyes while he sings in Chapter 7?

5. What does Misako's father like O-hisa to dress in?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 8, what does Kaname recall about the early stages of his marriage's breakdown?

2. What has Misako's father done to ensure O-hisa will be taken care of after he dies?

3. What does Kaname imagine about O-hisa at the end of Chapter 10?

4. How does Kaname explain Misako has changed in Chapter 14?

5. What popular tradition among stylish gentlemen is explained in Chapter 9?

6. At the end of Chapter 12, what makes Kaname think it is unacceptable for him to stay with Misako?

7. What does Kaname think about the relationship between his father-in-law and O-hisa in Chapter 9?

8. What does Louise claim about her lineage, and what is the truth? What does Louise do to appeal to Kaname?

9. What does Kaname think about as he tries to fall asleep in Chapter 9?

10. What does Kaname look forward to seeing when he visits his father-in-law in Chapter 9? Why does Misako's father play the samisen with his eyes closed?

(see the answer keys)

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