Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 1, on what grounds does Misako say she will attend the show?
(a) If they go to dinner afterward.
(b) If she can find a babysitter.
(c) If Kaname does.
(d) If the weather improves.

2. What breed is Kaname's dog?
(a) Terrier.
(b) Shiba inu.
(c) Collie.
(d) Dalmatian.

3. Why do Misako and Takanatsu return downstairs in Chapter 6?
(a) To take the dogs outside.
(b) For breakfast.
(c) To find Hiroshi.
(d) To talk to Kaname.

4. What does Takanatsu have in his suitcase in Chapter 7?
(a) Pieces of fabric.
(b) Family photographs.
(c) Art supplies.
(d) Some film magazines.

5. Why does Kaname think Misako is in a hurry to get home after the puppet show?
(a) So she can get to the market.
(b) She wants to see their son.
(c) So she can see Aso.
(d) Because she is exhausted.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Misako say Aso hates in Chapter 6?

2. What book is Kaname reading in Chapter 6?

3. How does Kaname react to the puppet shows?

4. What does Misako wish she didn't have to deal with in regards to the upcoming holiday?

5. What has Hiroshi heard about male dogs?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Kaname wish Misako was a loose woman?

2. Why is Kaname conflicted about going to the puppet theater with his father-in-law?

3. Why is Misako glad that Takanatsu is taking Hiroshi to Tokyo for a few days?

4. What does Hiroshi worry about the trip Takanatsu invites him on to Tokyo?

5. What sort of woman does Kaname tell Takanatsu he is looking for? What does Takanatsu joke about Kaname's post-divorce life?

6. In Chapter 7, what does Misako think will happen to her after her divorce becomes public knowledge?

7. In Chapter 5, why does Kaname say he wants to get a divorce at a particular time of the year?

8. Who is O-hisa? What does Misako think of O-hisa?

9. In Chapter 5, what does Kaname realize he has been looking for during his entire marriage?

10. In Chapter 3, what is Kaname moved by in the puppet show? What does he think the show perfectly conveys?

(see the answer keys)

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