So Long a Letter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mariama Ba
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

So Long a Letter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mariama Ba
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Aissatou respond to Mawdo's taking a second wife under pressure from his mother?
(a) She takes her four sons and moves to the United States.
(b) She kills herself.
(c) She is excited for help in the household.
(d) She agrees to the arrangement, but the second wife is not allowed in Aissatou's home.

2. What reasons does the narrator give for Modou's taking a second wife?
(a) Either love or madness.
(b) For highter social status.
(c) She doesn't have any idea.
(d) For money, since the second wife came from a wealthy family.

3. To whom do the wives give money?
(a) No one; they keep it all for themselves.
(b) Their in-laws.
(c) The government in the form of taxes.
(d) Their children.

4. What do the female relatives do for the deceased?
(a) Wail while walking around the outside of the home.
(b) Light the funeral pyre.
(c) Cover their heads with yellow cloth for two weeks.
(d) Wash the dead person's body.

5. What does the narrator wonder about those who come to acknowledge the deceased person?
(a) How much each person will donate.
(b) If she might find a man to marry among them.
(c) Whose grief is genuine.
(d) If any were an enemy of the deceased.

6. How did the narrator's mother feel about the narrator's relationship with Modou?
(a) She thought it was wonderful.
(b) She didn't know about it.
(c) She disapproved of it at first.
(d) She was not alive at the time.

7. What field is Modou's degree?
(a) Medicine.
(b) Law.
(c) Architecture.
(d) Mathematics.

8. When did the narrator realize that Modou was the man for her for life?
(a) When he held their first child in his arms.
(b) When he asked her to marry him.
(c) After he dies.
(d) During their first dance.

9. Who did Modou support politically?
(a) He wanted to stay part of the British empire.
(b) His own small group.
(c) The dominant party.
(d) The political party who opposed the dominant one.

10. Why is the narrator upset about the sister-in-laws song?
(a) Because they do not remember the narrator's name.
(b) Because they praise both wifes equally.
(c) Because they sing out of key.
(d) Because they do not sing the complete song.

11. What is the occupation of Aissatou's father?
(a) Painter.
(b) Blacksmith.
(c) Politician.
(d) Physician.

12. What does Daba produce when Lady Mother-in-Law wants the monthly salary continued?
(a) A court order doubling the amount.
(b) A box of jewelry for Mother-in-Law.
(c) Four witnesses that say Mother-in-Law abused the deceased.
(d) An affidavit with a list of what Binetou's villa contained.

13. Who does Aissatou marry?
(a) Mawdo Bw.
(b) Daouda Dieng.
(c) Douda Raaw.
(d) Moudou.

14. How many children did the second wife bear the deceased?
(a) 1
(b) 9
(c) 0
(d) 3

15. Why do others disapprove of Aissatou's marriage?
(a) Aissatou is not good enough for the man she marries.
(b) The man she marries is Chinese.
(c) The man she marries is ugly.
(d) The man she marries is poor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator find when she rushes to the hospital?

2. To whom is the narrator writing her diary?

3. Of what does the younger generation speak?

4. Why does the narrator believe it is useless to try to revive the person in question 5?

5. When did the narrator and her husband's romance blossom?

(see the answer keys)

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