So Long a Letter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Mariama Ba
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

So Long a Letter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Mariama Ba
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 10-12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Aissatou respond to Mawdo's taking a second wife under pressure from his mother?
(a) She agrees to the arrangement, but the second wife is not allowed in Aissatou's home.
(b) She is excited for help in the household.
(c) She kills herself.
(d) She takes her four sons and moves to the United States.

2. What does the narrator have to put up with regularly?
(a) Snakes in the house.
(b) Her sisters-in-law and mother-in-law's frequent intrusions.
(c) Babysitting her nieces and nephews.
(d) Her mother offering advice.

3. Why does Modou gain many promotions in his job?
(a) His charisma and devotion to the workers' plight.
(b) His father-in-law is in charge where he works.
(c) He bribes those in authority above him.
(d) He does not accept a salary for his work.

4. Why does the narrator believe it is useless to try to revive the person in question 5?
(a) Because that person should die for sins commited.
(b) Because death is an act of fate.
(c) Because this hospital has no electric paddles.
(d) Because it is this person's second heart attack this year.

5. What had the deceased bought to please his second wife?
(a) A new mercedes benz.
(b) Two thoroughbred horses for racing.
(c) A nice villa.
(d) A diamond necklace.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reasons does the narrator give for Modou's taking a second wife?

2. What does Daba produce when Lady Mother-in-Law wants the monthly salary continued?

3. What does Modou do with his degree?

4. What does the narrator find when she rushes to the hospital?

5. What did the narrator's mother think of Modou?

(see the answer key)

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