Sole Survivor: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Sole Survivor: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is significant about the date of August 15th?
(a) It is his daughter's birthday.
(b) It is the first anniversary of the crash.
(c) It is his birthday.
(d) It is his wife's birthday.

2. What do the boys tell Joe?
(a) That two 'cops' are watching him.
(b) That he looks like he's holdiing.
(c) That he's cheap.
(d) That he should share.

3. How did Lisa and Rose know each other?
(a) They are cousins.
(b) They worked at Teknologik together.
(c) They are sisters.
(d) They were college roommates.

4. Why doesn't Joe stop?
(a) He is too upset to talk.
(b) He doesn't believe that's who it is.
(c) He is late for an appointment.
(d) He doesn't want to be caught.

5. Who does he plan to visit?
(a) The Vadence residence.
(b) The Feldmann family.
(c) The Delmann household.
(d) The Cadence family.

6. What does Joe elect to do?
(a) Give up.
(b) Go to see Barbara in person.
(c) Find Rose.
(d) Look up more families.

7. What does he do while he waits for articles to be printed out?
(a) Looks up crash archives.
(b) Looks up funeral footage.
(c) Talks to Dewey.
(d) Talks to coworkers.

8. What does he realize as he drives through San Fernando Valley?
(a) Something isn't kosher about Flight 353.
(b) He is lost.
(c) He is out of gas.
(d) He is going the wrong way.

9. What does Joe do?
(a) He has a stroke.
(b) He hits another car.
(c) He pulls over.
(d) He passes out.

10. What does Beth suggest Joe try to do?
(a) Return to work.
(b) Try to sleep.
(c) Get counselling.
(d) Talk to a priest.

11. Who tells him where to find her?
(a) Olive Marino.
(b) Mario Oliveri.
(c) Macy Olivier.
(d) Oliver Martin.

12. Who is Henry McKay?
(a) Joe's best friend.
(b) Joe's brother.
(c) Joe's father in law.
(d) Joe's father.

13. What kind of plane was it?
(a) Twin engine, turbo prop.
(b) 727.
(c) 737.
(d) 747.

14. Why does Joe return to the Post?
(a) To reminisce.
(b) To see co workers.
(c) To research the van.
(d) To talk to his former boss.

15. Who does Joe tell he will call back in two days?
(a) Rose Tucker.
(b) Mario Oliveri.
(c) None of these.
(d) Barbara Christman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does he suddenly remember as he reviews the events at the cemetery?

2. What is the mood at the Delmann home like?

3. Where does Joe go after leaving the Vadence home?

4. Where does Joe stop on his way to the cemetery?

5. What is Joe's thought as he drives away?

(see the answer keys)

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