Sold Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sold Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the name "Muthi" mean, according to the narrator in "Confession"?
(a) "Size of the sun."
(b) "Size of a mountain."
(c) "Size of a potato."
(d) "Size of a handful."

2. What does the bus smell like, according to Lakshmi in "On the Bus"?
(a) "Stale bread and old shoes."
(b) "Pipe smoke and incense."
(c) "Onions and curry and cigarette smoke."
(d) "Rotting meat and garbage."

3. What kind of vendor calls out to sell his wares below Lakshmi's window in "What I Don't Do"?
(a) A peanut vendor.
(b) A popcorn vendor.
(c) An onion vendor.
(d) A roti vendor.

4. What does Lakshmi describe brushing her teeth with in "The New Student"?
(a) A twig from a birch tree.
(b) A twig from a neem tree.
(c) A toothbrush.
(d) A twig from a willow tree.

5. What color dress does the woman wear that purchases Lakshmi at Bajai Sita's store in "A Trade"?
(a) Black.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Yellow.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the bus do when it encounters a cow sleeping in the middle of the road in "On the Bus"?

2. How many villages has Lakshmi walked through with Auntie in the beginning of "Questions and Answers"?

3. What word from "A Trade" means favorable or conducive to success?

4. What kind of alcoholic beverage do the men of Lakshmi's village drink during the festivals?

5. How old is Lakshmi in the beginning of the novel?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the instructions for womanhood that Ama relates to Lakshmi in "Everything I Need to Know"?

2. What does a tin roof symbolize for Lakshmi in the novel?

3. Why does Lakshmi describe her first experiences of her journey to be "inauspicious" in "An Inauspicious Start"?

4. Describe the impact of Lakshmi's journey with Auntie on her perception of her surroundings and home. Why do you think Lakshmi is taken on this journey in the manner she is taken?

5. How is the economy of Lakshmi's village described in "Calendar"?

6. What takes place in "A Trade"? What is the amount of money that is settled upon?

7. Who is described in "The New Student"? What is Lakshmi's relationship with this character?

8. What are the names that Lakshmi has given to her cucumbers in "Confession"?

9. What custom does Lakshmi partake in when she begins menstruation in "First Blood"?

10. How does Lakshmi describe her journey in "A New World"?

(see the answer keys)

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