Solaris Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Solaris Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What experiment does Sartorius want to perform?
(a) submerge a radiation-emitting machine to kill the ocean
(b) broadcast a message using binary code to the ocean
(c) submerge a machine that transmits brain activity in real-time
(d) broadcast a scientist's brain waves to the ocean

2. What is the common perception of Solaris during the second period of Solarist study that Gravinsky identifies?
(a) that the ocean is alien to the galaxy
(b) that the ocean is completely inanimate
(c) that the ocean is a lifeless chemical form
(d) that the ocean is a complex biological creature

3. Where does Kelvin ask Rheya to wait while he visits Snow?
(a) in his room
(b) in a closet
(c) in the corridor
(d) locked in the shuttle

4. Why does Kelvin make his argument?
(a) Kelvin secretly has a plan to destroy only Rheya.
(b) Kelvin does not want to endanger himself, Snow, or Sartorius.
(c) Kelvin secretly does not want Rheya destroyed.
(d) Kelvin secretly believes all the visitors have rights.

5. What is Kelvin looking for, that he thought about during the brainwave recording?
(a) a scientific measuring instrument
(b) a picure of Geise
(c) a computer program
(d) a locket

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the common perception of Solaris during the first period of Solarist study that Gravinsky identifies?

2. What odd action does Kelvin notice Snow is performing?

3. What experiment does Snow want Kelvin to perform?

4. Who is the first person Kelvin thinks of during the brainwave recording?

5. What does Kelvin try to do after Rheya tries to kill herself?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Rheya sign her suicide note?

2. What formation does Kelvin see as the ship travels to the polar region of Solaris?

3. What can't Kelvin find, when he wakes in the morning?

4. Why does Rheya lie to Kelvin about what she did during the night?

5. Why does Kelvin say he doesn't want Rheya to overhear his conversation?

6. How does Snow describe Rheya's final moments?

7. What is Gravinsk's Compendium commonly used for?

8. Does Snow believe Kelvin when Kelvin says he loves Rheya?

9. What metaphor does Kelvin use to describe trying to understand Solaris?

10. What does Rheya say in her suicide note?

(see the answer keys)

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