Solaris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Solaris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Rheya after she tries to kill herself?
(a) She disappears and another Rheya appears.
(b) She dies and another Rheya appears.
(c) She regenerates and is not harmed.
(d) She regenerates and loses her memory.

2. What character trait does Kelvin say Rheya's suicide attempt shows?
(a) selfishness
(b) cowardice
(c) courage
(d) selflessness

3. What does Kelvin tell Rheya about her blood?
(a) It is like his own.
(b) It is formless at a microscopic level.
(c) It is strange at a subatomic level.
(d) It does not last outside her body.

4. What does Kelvin suddenly decide to do?
(a) bombard the formation with radiation
(b) take a shuttle into orbit
(c) seal himself away from the station's windows
(d) take a helicopter to visit the formation

5. What appears on Solaris' ocean fifteen days after the end of the experiment?
(a) a deep depression to the bottom of the ocean
(b) a perfect translucent red sphere
(c) a mist and wings of foam
(d) a giant tower

6. Where does the station travel to repeat the experiment?
(a) north, near the northern pole
(b) south to the equator
(c) south, near the southern pole
(d) north to the equator

7. What does Snow hypothesize is necessary for the visitors to survive?
(a) a way to recycle neutrinos
(b) a constant influx of energy
(c) a way to reform lost particles
(d) a constant influx of matter

8. What are Kelvin's brainwaves recorded onto?
(a) film
(b) punch cards
(c) metal sheets
(d) magnetic tape

9. How long will it take to receive a reply from Earth?
(a) years
(b) months
(c) hours
(d) days

10. What do Snow and Kelvin send to Earth?
(a) a ship's log
(b) a report of the events
(c) new data gathered from the ocean storm
(d) an electroencephalogram

11. What does Snow say their situation is beyond?
(a) civilization
(b) reality
(c) morality
(d) imagination

12. What kind of god does Kelvin ask Snow if he's ever heard of?
(a) an unconscious god
(b) an imperfect god
(c) a blind god
(d) a malevalent god

13. What does Snow think there is a chance for, based on their experiences?
(a) contact with Solaris
(b) more research missions to Solaris
(c) creating a duplicate Solaris
(d) destroying Solaris

14. During the period after the experiment, how does Snow communicate with Kelvin?
(a) through secret meetings
(b) through notes or the videophone
(c) through tape recorded messages
(d) not at all

15. What is Kelvin looking for, that he thought about during the brainwave recording?
(a) a locket
(b) a scientific measuring instrument
(c) a computer program
(d) a picure of Geise

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Snow want to go off the station with Kelvin?

2. What does Kelvin overhear Rheya do in the middle of the night?

3. Who is the second person Kelvin thinks of during the brainwave recording?

4. What is the common perception of Solaris during the first period of Solarist study that Gravinsky identifies?

5. What experiment does Snow suggest to Kelvin?

(see the answer keys)

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