Solaris Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Solaris Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rheya remember about the time while Kelvin was in the bathroom?
(a) feeling angry and enraged
(b) passing out on the floor
(c) being alone and feeling frightened
(d) hurting her hands and screaming

2. How does Kelvin know his way around the space station?
(a) He spent three years on a similar station around another planet.
(b) He trained in a holographic replica on the trip to the station.
(c) He helped design and build the prototype station.
(d) He spent six weeks in a replica of it on Earth.

3. How does Kelvin plan to test his own sanity?
(a) by having Snow perform a full brain scan
(b) by having a computer perform psychological tests
(c) by hypnotizing himself
(d) by comparing his mathematical results to a computer's

4. Where does Kelvin lock Rheya?
(a) in a locker
(b) in a closet
(c) in the shuttle
(d) in the laboratory

5. Which sun sets after Kelvin has showed and changed?
(a) the blue sun of Solaris
(b) the red sun of Solaris
(c) the yellow sun of Solaris
(d) the green sun of Solaris

6. What was Berton's condition when he returned from the search?
(a) comatose
(b) eerily calm and controlled
(c) hyperactive and manic
(d) hysterical and in shock

7. How long did it take for spacecraft to visit Solaris after its discovery?
(a) 100 years
(b) 30 days
(c) 45 years
(d) 5 years

8. In whose handwriting is the envelope Kelvin finds addressed?
(a) Sartorius's
(b) Gibarian's
(c) Rheya's
(d) Snow's

9. What does Kelvin see on Rheya's arm?
(a) a birthmark
(b) an engraved bracelet
(c) a scar from a razor cut
(d) a mark from a hypodermic needle

10. What does Rheya feel compelled to do?
(a) go to Solaris's ocean
(b) stay nearby Kelvin
(c) keep Solaris's ocean in sight
(d) talk to Kelvin constantly

11. Where does the second version of Rheya appear?
(a) She is in Kelvin's closet.
(b) She is on Kelvin's bed.
(c) She is outside Kelvin's door.
(d) She is in Kelvin's restroom.

12. Who does Kelvin see by Gibarian's body?
(a) a large black woman
(b) Snow
(c) a small barefoot child
(d) Sartorius

13. What nickname does Snow ask Kelvin to call him?
(a) Ratface
(b) Dogface
(c) Catface
(d) Snakeface

14. How does Kelvin explain the gaps in Rheya's memory to her?
(a) He doesn't explain.
(b) He says she's not who she thinks she is.
(c) He says she's had a concussion.
(d) He says she's been sick.

15. Where does Snow say that Sartorius is?
(a) on the planet's surface
(b) in the laboratory
(c) in the kitchen
(d) in his quarters

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Snow call the visitors?

2. Where did Snow find Gibarian's body?

3. Where did Fechner's body end up?

4. Who led the first expedition to land on Solaris?

5. What does Kelvin notice about Rheya's foot?

(see the answer keys)

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