So Far from God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

So Far from God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Caridad prophetically predict was on her way home?
(a) Esperanza.
(b) Sofi.
(c) Fe.
(d) La Loca.

2. How did Felicia's second husband die?
(a) Car accident.
(b) He committed suicide.
(c) Tuberculosis.
(d) Heart attack.

3. Where does Sofi tell Domingo to take her after he asks for her forgiveness?
(a) The dance.
(b) The store.
(c) New York City.
(d) The bedroom.

4. Why did Sofi and Domingo elope?
(a) Sofi was pregnant.
(b) Her family disapproved of him.
(c) They were poor and couldn't afford a wedding.
(d) They were underage.

5. What awakens Sofi in the middle of the night in Chapter 1?
(a) Gunfire.
(b) A thunderstorm.
(c) Water boiling.
(d) Animals howling.

6. Don promises Caridad he will giver her anything she wants because of the death of what?
(a) Her horse.
(b) Success.
(c) True love.
(d) Her heart.

7. Who tells Maria to "hit the deck"?
(a) An angel.
(b) Helena.
(c) Francisco.
(d) La Loca.

8. Why hasn't Sofi felt comfortable leaving the house over the previous twenty years?
(a) La Loca doesn't like being around anyone besides her mother.
(b) She is overweight.
(c) She thinks she is disfigured.
(d) She has agoraphobia.

9. Which of the following is included in Caridad's morning routine?
(a) Confession.
(b) Yoga.
(c) Mass.
(d) Sleeping in.

10. What are the brushes used to paint the bulto made of?
(a) Silk.
(b) Horsehair or yucca.
(c) Women's hair.
(d) Cacti.

11. Where is Caridad found by Francisco El Penitente?
(a) Living in a commune.
(b) In a city, married and pregnant.
(c) In a cave.
(d) Swimming in the ocean.

12. How long does Caridad sleep after her horse dies?
(a) Eight hours.
(b) She doesn't sleep.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) One month.

13. Who does Caridad marry?
(a) She doesn't ever marry.
(b) A man twice her age.
(c) Someone she dated in college.
(d) Her high school sweetheart.

14. How many scented baths does Caridad take every week?
(a) Two.
(b) None.
(c) Fourteen.
(d) Seven.

15. When was the last time Felicia fired her gun?
(a) She has never used it.
(b) 1865.
(c) 1962.
(d) 1910.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens at La Loca's funeral?

2. How does Felicia suggest Caridad was healed?

3. Who raised Francisco until he was old enough to help with the farm?

4. What does Caridad do to earn a living?

5. Who won the lottery after Caridad had a numerical vision?

(see the answer keys)

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