Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Final Test - Hard

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Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. By pointing out his change of story, Alvin Hooks wants the jury to

2. Kabuo had felt he should be silent about events with Carl Heine

3. Nels Gundersson at 79, feels as though he

4. When Ishmael begged Hatsue to hold him

5. Evidence that will turn the case completely around is found by the Sheriff

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Ishmael not take his information from the coast guard directly to Judge Fielding as he figures he father would have done?

2. Why does the author refer more than once to the smell of snow?

3. Describe Ishmael's experience as he views the devastation from the storm, the sunken docks and ravaged town. What does it mean?

4. What finally inspires Ishmael to take the Coast Guard report to Hatsue?

5. Why does Ishmael make a racial slur when Hatsue expresses sympathy for the loss of his arm?

6. How does the author foreshadow a turn of events in the trial?

7. Why does Guterman get so graphic about the sex lives of Carl and Susan Marie Heine?

8. What, ultimately, could have been Carl Heine's greatest failing, according to Ishmael?

9. Why do you think Ishmael does not tell his mother about the records he found at the Coast Guard office?

10. Why does Moran suspect the blow to Carl Heine's head was from a kendo stick?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Among so many other topics, Guterson touches on what it is like to have a physical deficit, such as Ishmael's missing arm. Write a persuasive argument about whether we, as a culture, provide sufficient conveniences for those with disabilities. Look up the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act), and determine whether the laws that govern public places have taken into account people like Ishmael Chambers, who is forced to do everything with one arm and hand.

Essay Topic 2

With illustrations and an essay, teach us about women's clothing in 1943, especially the clothing that would help us understand the knife-pleats and long darts of Hatsue Miyamoto's outfits that she wore to her husband's trial. Try to find old newspaper ads, and provide details as to fabrics and embellishments.

Essay Topic 3

Cedar trees are some of the most magical, aromatic trees on earth. Research cedars and report on where they thrive, their size and environment, their uses and their native habitats. Include photos and, if you live near cedars, a small frond of the fragrant tree. Include any threats to cedars, as well as what conditions make them thrive. Let your imagination help you better understand the atmosphere in the hollow cedar tree, and write about that, as well.

(see the answer keys)

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