Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Final Test - Medium

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Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dr. Whitman has done an examination of
(a) Kabuo's mental state
(b) Carl Heine's hand
(c) Susan marie's motives
(d) The fishing gaff

2. Ishmael's father felt the islanders were forced
(a) Stay on the island where they were born
(b) To fish or farm, one or the other
(c) To keep their feelings suppressed
(d) To forego an education to survive

3. As a husband, Carl Heine, Jr. was
(a) Indifferent
(b) Cold and distant
(c) Gentle and dependable
(d) Somewhat abusive

4. After the war, Hatsue remembers the night that Kabuo
(a) Disappeared into the rainy night
(b) Kabuo dressed like a bugeisha
(c) Learned the art of Kendo stick fighting
(d) Retrieved the buried family treasures

5. By pointing out his change of story, Alvin Hooks wants the jury to
(a) Dislike the defendant
(b) Remember that Japs lie
(c) Consider Carl's wife
(d) Doubt Kabuo's credibility

Short Answer Questions

1. Judge Fielding acknowledges that Etta Heine is

2. Evidence that will turn the case completely around is found by the Sheriff

3. Revisiting the old cedar tree of his youth, Ishmael realizes clearly that

4. Carl and Susan Marie live in a

5. The jurors cannot convict the defendant if there remains in their minds

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Moran suspect the blow to Carl Heine's head was from a kendo stick?

2. How does the author foreshadow a turn of events in the trial?

3. Why did Kabuo and Hatsue not inform the Sheriff of what they said really happened on the night of Carl Heine's death?

4. Learning that Carl has kept Kabuo's fishing rod all these years suggests that Kabuo might be telling the truth? Explain this.

5. The idea of inclement weather has been woven throughout the story, including the heavy snowfall that has caused problems during the trial of Kabuo Miyamoto. What inspires Ishmael's decision to check with the coast guard about weather conditions at the time of Carl Heine's demise?

6. Describe what Ishmael discovered in the Coast Guard radioman's notes.

7. Describe Ishmael's experience as he views the devastation from the storm, the sunken docks and ravaged town. What does it mean?

8. What finally inspires Ishmael to take the Coast Guard report to Hatsue?

9. Hooks makes a significant misjudgment in his closing argument as he paints a scenario of Kabuo luring Carl Heine in by faking an emergency. Discuss his mistakes.

10. Why does the author refer more than once to the smell of snow?

(see the answer keys)

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