Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fujiko is furious that Hatsue was seeing a white boy, but also because
(a) Hatsue's school work was affected
(b) Hatsue's reptuation was ruined
(c) Hatsue set a bad example for Sumiko
(d) Hatsue has been lying to her

2. The snowstorm on San Piedro
(a) is wreaking havoc everywhere
(b) Is an unusual event
(c) Is a pleasant diversion
(d) Promises to be a minor one

3. Twelve years later, Hatsue, ironically, sees Ishmael with
(a) His glass box in hand
(b) One arm outstretched
(c) The strawberry fields behind him
(d) His same coat on

4. Life at Manzanar is
(a) A challenge, but pleasant
(b) Difficult and dirty
(c) Like a spiritual gathering
(d) Good for children

5. Etta does not want Carl to sell any acreage to Zenhichi Miyamoto because
(a) He is Japanese and she is racist
(b) He is not trustworthy
(c) He lives carelessly
(d) He might let the land fail

Short Answer Questions

1. Ole Jurgensen wants to sell his farm now because

2. When Carl, Sr. had a stroke, Etta jumped at the chance to

3. When his arm was amputated, Ishmael's anger seems to be directed toward

4. Although Ishmael claims to love her, Hatsue wants to be

5. Many Japanese workers sent money to Japan to buy

Short Essay Questions

1. Ishmael's experience at war is as horrendous as it gets. What is his attitude toward Hatsue by now, and why?

2. Why does Hatsue's mother tear up the letter she has written to Ishmael's parents?

3. Besides having to dissect dead bodies, why is Horace Whaley's job particularly difficult?

4. Describe Amity Harbor. Is it an upscale town? Does it seem inviting?

5. How does Kabuo enter into Hatsue's life?

6. What kind of lawyer is Nels Gudmundsson?

7. Why does Kabuo's attorney, Nels, challenge him to a game of chess before they discuss the case?

8. Why were Japanese citizens being arrested in the US?

9. Explain the hysteria on San Piedro Island when the news of the Pearl Harbor attack is announced.

10. What was the convincing factor in Sheriff Moran's decision to get a search warrant for Kabuo's boat?

(see the answer keys)

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