Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Final Test - Easy

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Snow Falling on Cedars Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sitting at the Coast Guard office Ishmael's thoughts go back to
(a) Earlier encounters with Hatsue after the war
(b) His encounters with Carl Heine
(c) His childhood days with Hatsue
(d) Hid parents and their relationship

2. Reviewing the errands he must run due to the storm, Ishmael plans to
(a) Go into Anacortes for the national news
(b) Borrow the printing press in the Seattle office
(c) Get a storm report from the Coast Guard station
(d) Offer Hatsue and her family a ride

3. Kabuo visited Carl Heine to discuss buying back his family's property
(a) Before Carl bought the property from Ole
(b) The day the sign went up on the property
(c) Five days after Carl bought the property
(d) The day after Carl gave Ole Jurgensen earnest money

4. Alvin Hooks' witness, Dr. Sterling Whitman, is a
(a) Phlebotomist
(b) Coroner
(c) Radiologist
(d) Hematologist

5. When Ishmael begged Hatsue to hold him
(a) She holds him for just a few minutes
(b) She looks at him with disgust and pity
(c) She refuses to do so
(d) She tells him again she does not love him

6. Judge Lew Fielding admits to the jury that hearsay, even in a criminal trial, is still
(a) A crime
(b) Inadmissable
(c) A shady area
(d) Intolerable

7. Arthur Chambers was an organized man who
(a) Disliked his job
(b) Never learned craftsmanship
(c) Skipped an education
(d) Led a busy and productive life

8. Jury instructions from the trial judge are intended to
(a) Sway the jurors one way or the other
(b) Teach the jurors the legal system
(c) Remind the jurors of the need for speed
(d) Instruct the jurors how to reach their decision

9. Ishmael feels that accidental occurrences on the island
(a) Bring a sense of indifference to the people
(b) Are the focus of only a few citizens
(c) Are the norm for the islanders
(d) Gain the upper hand in the islanders' view

10. After the war, Hatsue remembers the night that Kabuo
(a) Disappeared into the rainy night
(b) Retrieved the buried family treasures
(c) Learned the art of Kendo stick fighting
(d) Kabuo dressed like a bugeisha

11. Just as the Sheriff appeared with a search warrant, Kabuo had
(a) Hidden his batteries away
(b) Put his fishing gaff in the hold
(c) Accidentally killed a seagull
(d) Been washing his boat

12. Ole Jurgensen told Art that Kabuo had left his home
(a) On a mission
(b) With indifference
(c) Sad and distraught
(d) Hopping mad

13. Kabuo and Carl make a deal for the seven acres, and seal it with
(a) A salute
(b) Gripping hands together
(c) A promise to return the fishing rod
(d) Friendly smiles

14. Helen Chambers suggests that Ishmael
(a) Write a strong editorial about prejudice
(b) Not involve himself in the trial
(c) Move away and find a job
(d) Move back in with her

15. Fisherman leapfrogging one another's nets are said to be
(a) Corking your off
(b) Bad fishermen
(c) Stealing your thunder
(d) Fishing you out

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Carl Heine, Jr. die?

2. Kabuo had felt he should be silent about events with Carl Heine

3. Evidence that will turn the case completely around is found by the Sheriff

4. Why didn't Kabuo remember getting an extra battery before he went fishing on the morning of his arrest?

5. Nels Gundersson gets Dr. Whitman to admit that the blood on the gaff is likely from

(see the answer keys)

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