Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the name of the hotel that Ka stays at in his hometown?
2. What is the name of the owner of the Border City Gazette?
3. What kind of soldiers is the woman who performed "My Fatherland or My Head Scarf" saved by during the skit?
4. What kind of story does Necip tell Ka he wrote and that he summarizes for him?
5. What does the woman who performed "My Fatherland or My Head Scarf" do with her headscarf during the performance?
Short Essay Questions
1. How is the director of the Institute for Education killed?
2. How does Kadife search Ka for a microphone when he meets with her in a storage room at a hotel?
3. What do Ka and Ipek discuss when they have their first meeting together at the New Life Pastry Shop?
4. What reason does Ka tell his fellow seatmate for why he is going to Kars during the bus ride there?
5. How is Blue described the first time he is seen in the book?
6. How is the first time that Ka and Ipek make love described?
7. What is the nature of Funda Esers' skit called "My Fatherland or My Headscarf?
8. What is the nature of Ipek and Ka's conversation when she comes to tell him the director's condition has worsened?
9. What happens at the end of Sunay's first play at the National Theatre?
10. How does Ipek describe the events of the night after the tragedy at the National Theater to Ka over breakfast?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare and contrast the political rivals of Blue and Sunay Zaim in the book. What was the nature of each of these men's political motivations and who was the lesser evil?
Essay Topic 2
While Ka doesn't appear religious, it is no doubt that mysticism has played a role in his life and impacted his actions while in Kars.
Part 1.) What role does the sheikh play in Ka's time spent in Kars?
Part 2.) What is telling about the role of mysticism in Kars based on Muhtar's experiences?
Part 3.) What role does mysticism have in Ka's poetry writing in terms of his feeling inspired?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the concept of inspiration that is represented in the book revolving around Ka's need to write his poems. What role does Ka's childhood memories have in evoking inspiration for his poetry?
This section contains 841 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |