Snow Crash Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Snow Crash Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What really seems to disturb Hiro?
(a) Y.T.'s encounter with Raven
(b) L. Bob Rife
(c) Hunger in Africa
(d) The wireheads

2. Who does Raven talk to in the middle of his battle?
(a) Hiro
(b) Y.T.
(c) L. Bob Rife
(d) Y.T.'s Mom

3. What does Hiro do with Reason?
(a) Displaces it
(b) Recharges it
(c) Puts it back in its case
(d) Throws it overboard

4. How does Y.T. break her fall from the helicopter?
(a) She deploys her coveralls' airbags.
(b) She gently slides down the wire.
(c) She lands feet-first in a sand truck.
(d) She convinces the pilot to land.

5. What do the 'Raft Gargoyles' do?
(a) They wander around aimlessly.
(b) They dance.
(c) They anticipate attacks.
(d) They communicate with each other and control the masses on the raft.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Lagos find?

2. Where did L. Bob Rife find the Nam-Shub of Enki?

3. What program does Hiro find particularity useful?

4. What does Y.T. notice about people that are brainwashed?

5. What does Hiro note about Port Sherman?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some possible reasons the Mafia may have taken an interest in opposing the Orthos?

2. What could be a possible reason for Hiro talking about his father to Raven?

3. Hiro finds Raven in the Metaverse. What is Raven doing?

4. How do the Kouriers come to Y.T.'s rescue?

5. What is L. Bob Rife's interest in Y.T. in Chapter 60?

6. What do Raven and Y.T. have in common?

7. What does Hiro learn about Juanita in Chapter 42 and as a result decides to do?

8. What are some possible reasons for Hiro's discomfort in the knowledge that Y.T. and Raven slept together?

9. Why do you think Fisheye is more concerned about what Uncle Enzo will think more than his own life?

10. Who wins the fight between Raven and Uncle Enzo?

(see the answer keys)

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