Snow Crash Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Snow Crash Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For whom does Y.T. discover a new loyalty?
(a) Uncle Enzo
(b) Hiro
(c) The Government
(d) The Feds

2. What was in the airstream that appeared over the town square?
(a) A helicopter loaded with men and submachine guns
(b) Paratroopers
(c) A ten-megaton hydrogen bomb
(d) A whirlwind

3. What is Y.T.'s Mom's manager's name?
(a) Marietta
(b) Suzannah
(c) Francis
(d) Mildred

4. Who is Hiro looking for at the Snooze-N-Cruise?
(a) Susan Miller
(b) Sylvia Knittel
(c) Chuck Wrightson
(d) Charlie Williams

5. What did the woman with the shaved head do on the raft?
(a) Gave blood till her veins didn't work
(b) Tried to warn the president his life was in danger
(c) Attempted to discover the antidote
(d) Administered care to others there

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the head of the Crips?

2. What mistake does Jason make?

3. Who does Y.T. find herself working for for the first time?

4. What vehicle does Y.T. take?

5. What did Lagos think Sumerian gods were?

Short Essay Questions

1. Uncle Enzo takes a real liking to Y.T. in Chapter 21. Why?

2. Why is the Deliverator so disturbed by the idea that the pizza he delivers might be late?

3. In Chapter 39, what do we learn about Raven and the Orthos?

4. What is atypical of what appears to be a typical drug deal?

5. In Chapter 33, we learn more about Enki and his history. What is notable to Hiro?

6. For the first time in this book, the effects of the drug Snow Crash are revealed to Hiro. What are they?

7. More ethnic stereotyping is revealed in Chapter 40. How do people from the New South Africa franchise treat Hiro?

8. When Y.T. enters Fedland, what else can we note about the present government?

9. What is the Black Sun?

10. What is the Sacrifice Zone?

(see the answer keys)

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