Snow Crash Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Snow Crash Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Uncle Enzo take a straight razor to his pant legs?
(a) So they don't make noise against his leg hair.
(b) So he is in fashion.
(c) So he can impress the ladies.
(d) To stop them from getting wet.

2. Who comes to Y.T.'s immediate rescue?
(a) Hiro
(b) The other Kouriers
(c) Y.T.'s Mom
(d) Raven

3. What is Phase Five?
(a) The capture of Hiro
(b) The elimination of the Raft
(c) A big lunch
(d) A big breakfast

4. About what does Hiro choose to talk to Raven?
(a) His plan to stop L. Bob Rife
(b) His plan to take Raven out
(c) Where Y.T. is?
(d) Their fathers

5. How does Y.T. feel about Raven?
(a) She doesn't want anything to do with him.
(b) She still has feelings for him, despite their situation.
(c) She is hurt by the fact that he tried to kill Hiro.
(d) She feels betrayed by the fact that he is an agent of the enemy.

6. Where does Rife take Y.T. where he figures he is safe from Uncle Enzo?
(a) YVR
(b) LAX
(c) TIA
(d) LIA

7. What happens to Rife?
(a) He turns himself in.
(b) He gets blown up when Fido jumps into the plane's jet engines.
(c) He is apprehended and in Uncle Enzo's custody.
(d) He escapes.

8. Why do Rife's pilots swear allegiance to Uncle Enzo?
(a) They were bribed with millions of dollars.
(b) They wanted Uncle Enzo to like them.
(c) They all witnessed any opposition come to violent ends.
(d) They wanted to avoid jail time.

9. Who did Lagos approach with information?
(a) Fisheye
(b) Juanita
(c) Hiro
(d) L. Bob Rife

10. Why is Juanita bleeding?
(a) She slipped and fell.
(b) One of the other wireheads hit her.
(c) Hiro hit her.
(d) She cut the wire going into her head.

11. How many nude women hold scrolls when the bomb is deployed?
(a) Four
(b) Two
(c) Six
(d) Three

12. Where did L. Bob Rife find the Nam-Shub of Enki?
(a) India
(b) Iran
(c) Iraq
(d) Indonesia

13. What is considered high luxury for the Raft?
(a) Any food they could possibly desire
(b) A whole shipping container
(c) Filet Mignon
(d) A room with a view

14. What do the people with the antennae on the back of their heads do to prisoners?
(a) Befriend them and feed them chocolate
(b) Force them to square dance
(c) Torture them for information
(d) Keep them under control

15. Who is the nice girl that loves Fido?
(a) Y.T.
(b) Innana
(c) Juanita
(d) Y.T.'s Mom

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hiro find out about the wireheads?

2. What does Hiro note about Port Sherman?

3. What is odd about Y.T.'s abduction?

4. Letters appear on the back of the Kowloons' crew. What do they say?

5. What else besides an Antidote does Hiro create?

(see the answer keys)

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