Snow Country Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Snow Country Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Komako call home to have delivered?
(a) An instrument.
(b) Her makeup.
(c) A fresh kimono.
(d) Her diary.

2. What does Komako say of her work ethic to Shimamura?
(a) Komako envies people who take joy in their work.
(b) Komako works just enough to get by.
(c) Komako has never had to work hard a day in her life.
(d) Komako worked harder than anyone in her family.

3. What promise does Komako say Shimamura broke with her?
(a) To write her letters.
(b) To visit her on February fourteenth.
(c) To leave his wife.
(d) To never come back to the resort town.

4. What does Komako say repeatedly when she and Shimamura return to his room after their night out?
(a) That she doesn't feel well.
(b) That she is going home
(c) That she doesn't want Shimamura to go back to Tokyo.
(d) That she loves Shimamura.

5. Where does Komako tell Yoko she had considered going when they met early in this section?
(a) To the hot springs.
(b) To the cemetary.
(c) To the hairdresser.
(d) To the doctor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Komako say is the only accomplishment she has had since last seeing Shimamura?

2. Who thought it was a good idea for Yukio and Komako to marry?

3. What is the weather like outside the night before Shimamura is to return to Tokyo?

4. What sport does Komako say she enjoys?

5. What time in the morning is it when Komako enters Shimamura's room "dead drunk"?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the time of Shimamura's return in Part 2, what is Komako's financial situation like?

2. What does Shimamura find when he awakes at the beginning of this section of Part One?

3. What reaction does Shimamura get from Komako when he asks about Yoko's living arrangements?

4. What does Komako tell Shimamura of the geisha Kikuyu?

5. What is Komako's reaction to the news that Yukio is dying?

6. What makes Shimamura "strangely reluctant" to call Komako to the inn?

7. What discussion does Shimamura overhear in the hallway?

8. Who is on the train with Shimamura when he leaves the resort town for the second time, and how do they disappoint him?

9. Why does Komako not want to visit Yukio's grave?

10. How is Komako's samisen delivered to the inn?

(see the answer keys)

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