Smokescreen Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Smokescreen Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Roderick Hodge insist the nature of his meeting with Link will be?
(a) Financially beneficial.
(b) Off-the-record.
(c) Exhilarating.
(d) Cropped.

2. What frightens Link about Roderick Hodge's apartment?
(a) The door.
(b) The closets.
(c) The balcony.
(d) The windows.

3. What term does Evan Pentelow constantly use to describe his new film?
(a) Rite of passage.
(b) Epic.
(c) Comedy.
(d) Allegory.

4. What condition is brought on by nightfall as Link is trapped in the car?
(a) Cramps.
(b) Headaches.
(c) Asthma.
(d) Nausea.

5. What condition does Link know won't be what finished him off when he is trapped in the car?
(a) Heat stroke.
(b) Dehydration.
(c) Asphyxiation.
(d) Heart attack.

6. How does Melanie describe schooling for black Africans?
(a) Language-oriented.
(b) Private.
(c) Compulsory.
(d) Substandard.

7. What does Sally want to drink instead when Link offers to order coffee for her?
(a) A cherry limeade.
(b) Soda water.
(c) Orange juice.
(d) Cranberry juice.

8. How far are the miners able to progress per shift?
(a) Six inches.
(b) Two miles.
(c) Twenty yards.
(d) Eight feet.

9. How long has Link been in the car when Evan Pentelow and Conrad rescue him?
(a) Two days.
(b) Over sixty hours.
(c) Ten days.
(d) Over eighty hours.

10. Link thinks of the party tramping down into the mine as being like _____.
(a) Digging moles.
(b) A runaway train.
(c) The seven dwarfs.
(d) Links in a chain.

11. What is Link missing that he needs for the car horn to work?
(a) The steering column.
(b) Keys.
(c) A missing wire.
(d) A working speaker.

12. What do Evan Pentelow and Conrad give Link to drink?
(a) Water.
(b) Beer.
(c) Soda.
(d) Saline solution.

13. What is the function of the red line on the walls of the mine?
(a) As an eyeline.
(b) As a water level marker.
(c) As a warning.
(d) As a reef marker.

14. What frightens Link about his car?
(a) The transmission.
(b) The door locks.
(c) The brakes.
(d) The steering wheel.

15. What type of car takes the party to Rojedda Reef?
(a) A Range Rover.
(b) A BMW.
(c) A Dakota.
(d) A Yukon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a "fatless version of pastry" the miners eat in their cafeteria?

2. What hotel is supposed to host the reception for Rocks?

3. The music Roderick Hodge plays when Link arrives is less _____ than the music in London.

4. What is the giraffe's feature that Link takes special notice of?

5. What is the first animal Evan Pentelow sees when they get inside the gates at Kruger Park?

(see the answer keys)

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