Smitten Test | Final Test - Easy

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Smitten Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What time does Lizabeth awaken the morning after Matt's streaking episode?
(a) Eight o'clock.
(b) Noon.
(c) After ten.
(d) Seven o'clock.

2. Why does Emma Newsome have a waffle iron delivered to Lizabeth's house?
(a) She knew that something had happened to Lizabeth's kitchen.
(b) It is a wedding gift.
(c) She was looking for an excuse to be invited over.
(d) She was a generous neighbor.

3. How many sisters does Matt have?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

4. What does Matt buy for Lizabeth that she says she can't accept?
(a) A bed.
(b) A new car.
(c) An engagement ring.
(d) A big-screen TV.

5. What did Matt's father do for a living?
(a) He was a judge.
(b) He was a police officer.
(c) He was a coal miner.
(d) He was unemployed much of the time.

6. What story does Matt tell the boys while they are waiting for Ferguson?
(a) About his mountain climbing trip.
(b) About his life at college.
(c) About his time in the Army.
(d) About the time he was a boxer.

7. Whom does Lizabeth recognize at the barbecue?
(a) Her intruder.
(b) Her son's soccer coach.
(c) The next door neighbor's cousin.
(d) Her ex-husband's girlfriend.

8. What happened to Matt's mother?
(a) She left the family when he was 7.
(b) She became a drug addict.
(c) She was admitted to a mental institution when he was 7.
(d) She died when he was 7.

9. Lizabeth tells Matt that something is wrong with the bed. What is it?
(a) It is too high.
(b) The mattress is too hard.
(c) She doesn't like the headboard.
(d) It is too big for one person.

10. In Chapter 8, how does Lizabeth justify the decision she has made about her relationship with Matt?
(a) Their love is so intense that marriage is inevitable.
(b) She loves him, but she doesn't like him.
(c) There isn't enough of her to go around.
(d) Their relationship is merely a fling.

11. What does Lizabeth say about the man Matt thinks is the intruder?
(a) That the man waves like the intruder.
(b) That the man couldn't possibly be the intruder.
(c) That she couldn't possibly know if he is the intruder.
(d) That the man is the intruder.

12. Why is Lizabeth shocked by Matt's appearance when he tells her he can't go home?
(a) He looks exhausted and unhappy.
(b) He looks like he's been dragged through the mud.
(c) He looks like a CEO.
(d) He looks like himself but doesn't sound like himself.

13. What is the intruder's last name?
(a) Herbert.
(b) Hallahan.
(c) Harding.
(d) Hastings.

14. What does Matt say he doesn't want his son to have?
(a) A girlfriend.
(b) A cat.
(c) A sports car.
(d) A pierced ear.

15. Why does Paul want the boys to accompany him for the weekend?
(a) To see if he is interested in obtaining custody of them.
(b) To introduce them to his girlfriend.
(c) To show them that he could be a good father.
(d) To improve his family image for his campaign.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is waiting at Lizabeth's house when she and Matt return from their run?

2. What time do Matt and Lizabeth go jogging?

3. What time does Lizabeth get to work in Chapter 7?

4. What office is Lizabeth's ex-husband running for?

5. What does Matt break in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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