Smiles to Go Test | Final Test - Easy

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Smiles to Go Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who cancels the Monopoly party for the first time?
(a) Mi Su.
(b) Tabby.
(c) BT.
(d) Will.

2. What does Korbet say he would do if Tabby wouldn't go to a dance with him?
(a) Tell on her to her mother.
(b) Ask her to the next one.
(c) Go with someone else.
(d) Write her a card.

3. What does Will dream he is watching with Mi Su?
(a) Protons.
(b) Their class mates.
(c) The stars.
(d) Birds.

4. What does Will find in Ozzie?
(a) A picture of Will.
(b) Letters.
(c) A jar of jelly beans.
(d) A chess set.

5. Who was watching Tabby when she went missing?
(a) Her cousin.
(b) Her aunt.
(c) Her neighbor.
(d) Her mother.

6. What does Mi Su do to Will just before auditioning?
(a) Squeezes his hand.
(b) Kisses his cheek.
(c) Shakes his hand.
(d) Hugs him.

7. Why has Tabby never opened the wedding gifts?
(a) She wants to do it with Will.
(b) She wants Will to walk with her on First Day.
(c) She wants to give them to Will.
(d) She is afraid of what she will find.

8. Where does Mi Su tell Will what she wants to be when she grows up?
(a) The lunch room.
(b) The attic.
(c) Her bedroom.
(d) Her mother's car.

9. Why does Will ride by Mi Su's house?
(a) He needs to fight with her.
(b) He wants her to love him.
(c) He wants to see her.
(d) He wants to catch BT.

10. What does Korbet leave for Tabby after the tournament?
(a) All of these.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Chocolates.
(d) A note.

11. What about Will's behavior after the accident reassures his mother?
(a) She is glad he has made up with Mi Su.
(b) She is glad he loves his sister.
(c) She is glad he is there with her.
(d) She is glad he didn't cause the accident.

12. What comes out of Will's mouth in the dream when he is trying to talk to Mi Su?
(a) Dying protons.
(b) Musical notes.
(c) Monopoly pieces.
(d) Stars.

13. Why does Will blame somebody for Tabby's accident?
(a) He showed her how to ride a skateboard.
(b) She is too head strong.
(c) She was supposed to be watching Tabby.
(d) He wouldn't let her go to the tournament.

14. What does Mi Su yell at Will after Tabby's accident?
(a) He is not to blame.
(b) She loves him.
(c) She wants him to stop.
(d) He is stupid.

15. What is Will most attracted to Mi Su for?
(a) Her laughter.
(b) Her smile.
(c) Her body.
(d) Her intelligence.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Will feel about the way Tabby celebrates Halloween?

2. What does Will ride by Mi Su's house on?

3. What play is Mi Su auditioning for?

4. When did Tabby go missing?

5. Whom does Will blame for Tabby's accident?

(see the answer keys)

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