Small Steps Test | Final Test - Medium

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Small Steps Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Aileen during all the happenings?
(a) She is in her room in the hotel.
(b) She is in jail.
(c) She has disappeared.
(d) She is in the hospital.

2. Why does Kaira throw coffee in Armpit's face?
(a) She does not throw coffee in his face; she spills it in his lap.
(b) He criticizes her mother.
(c) He criticizes one of her songs.
(d) She thinks he wants to profit off their friendship.

3. What does Detective Newburg believe that Armpit did not know?
(a) It was illegal to re-sell tickets.
(b) Habib had turned them all in early on.
(c) X-Ray was double crossing Armpit.
(d) The tickets were counterfeit.

4. Why isn't El Genius going to be tried?
(a) He will go to trial.
(b) He confesses.
(c) He killed himself.
(d) He is incompetent.

5. Who is at Armpit's house?
(a) No one.
(b) Reporters.
(c) The police.
(d) All his friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Habib's alias?

2. What happens to the scheduled concert for that night?

3. What does Armpit ask a man sitting next to him?

4. What does the letter from Kaira to Armpit say?

5. What does Kaira try to do when she hears Armpit come in the front room of her suite?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Armpit decide about the trip and how does he feel about his decision?

2. What does Detective Newburg ask Armpit to do and what is his response?

3. Describe the conversation between Detective Newburg and Armpit after he witnesses X-Ray's interrogation.

4. What does Armpit's boss say about Armpit's work and what does the boss offer to do?

5. What does Armpit notice as he is telling Ginny about his time with Kaira?

6. What does El Genius do in Armpit's room?

7. How does Kaira discover that Armpit is ticklish and what does Fred interrupt?

8. In what dilemmas is Armpit immersed, and what does he decide?

9. What happens when El Genius encounters Armpit in the hotel?

10. Why is Armpit uneasy in a coffee shop and what does Kaira say about Ginny and Kaira's own work with a dying girl?

(see the answer keys)

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