Small Steps Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Small Steps Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Armpit feel the need to explain?
(a) How Ginny and he became friends.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Why he had bad tickets.
(d) Why he was in the correctional facility.

2. How is Kaira attired?
(a) In a long dress.
(b) In a warm-up suit.
(c) In a mini-skirt and boots.
(d) In jeans and sequined blouse.

3. About what are the two arguing?
(a) About leaving that night for the next show.
(b) Whether Kaira should have sung the Joplin number.
(c) Why Kaira did not sing the Joplin number as planned.
(d) About putting on another show the next evening.

4. Where do Armpit and X-Ray go to unload another pair of tickets?
(a) A community park.
(b) A gas station.
(c) An amusement park.
(d) A restaurant.

5. Who is Coo?
(a) Ginny's brother.
(b) Ginny's cousin.
(c) Scalper who steals from X-Ray.
(d) Stuffed toy that is a human with rabbit ears.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kaira hope about Aileen?

2. Who is Aileen?

3. Whom do Ginny and Armpit notice Kaira arguing with after the concert?

4. What is Ginny's physical problem?

5. What does Armpit think about as he eats his lunch?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Kaira say about Armpit and Ginny's experience with the forged tickets?

2. What does Kaira decide to sing and how does it turn out?

3. Who is Theodore Johnson; what is his nickname; and, how did he acquire it?

4. Why does Armpit get angry with X-Ray, and how does X-Ray respond?

5. What does Armpit convince X-Ray to do despite what?

6. Why is Kaira pacing nervously backstage?

7. Why does Kaira ride in the band's bus and whose music does the band play for her?

8. Why does Armpit want to borrow one of Ginny's stuffed animals and which one does she recommend?

9. What speech does Armpit deliver using Coo as a prop, and how does Tatiana respond?

10. What does Armpit's counselor advise Armpit about taking steps?

(see the answer keys)

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