Small Steps Test | Final Test - Easy

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Small Steps Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who interrupts a near kiss between Armpit and Kaira?
(a) El Genius.
(b) Kaira's mother.
(c) X-Ray.
(d) Fred.

2. What does the letter from Kaira to Armpit say?
(a) She's written him several letters.
(b) She is quitting the music business.
(c) She wants him to come for a visit.
(d) Her step-father is divorcing her mother.

3. How will Armpit get to where Kaira is?
(a) He does not know.
(b) In her private jet.
(c) She will send her chauffeur to pick him up.
(d) Flying on a commercial airline.

4. What does Detective Newburg tell Armpit?
(a) The mayor went to bat for him.
(b) The case is closed.
(c) X-Ray is in jail.
(d) He is being arrested.

5. What surprises Armpit when he observes a suspect being questioned?
(a) It is X-Ray.
(b) Armpit is not surprised to see who the suspect is.
(c) It is no one he knows.
(d) It is Habib.

6. What does Armpit's boss offer Armpit?
(a) Another project.
(b) A promotion.
(c) A raise.
(d) A recommendation.

7. Why does Kaira throw coffee in Armpit's face?
(a) He criticizes her mother.
(b) She does not throw coffee in his face; she spills it in his lap.
(c) She thinks he wants to profit off their friendship.
(d) He criticizes one of her songs.

8. With what non-profit organization has Kaira volunteered?
(a) United Way.
(b) United College Negro Fund.
(c) Make a Wish Foundation.
(d) Habitat for Humanity.

9. What is special about the room where Armpit is ushered to in the police station?
(a) It has a two-way mirror.
(b) It is like a jail cell.
(c) It has a table with coffee and snacks.
(d) It has a tape recorder.

10. What is Armpit working on when X-Ray and a couple others visit him?
(a) Painting.
(b) Yard work.
(c) Plumbing.
(d) Electrical work.

11. Where is Aileen during all the happenings?
(a) She is in jail.
(b) She has disappeared.
(c) She is in the hospital.
(d) She is in her room in the hotel.

12. What does X-Ray tell Armpit after Felix leaves?
(a) Leave town.
(b) Tell the detective the truth.
(c) Do what he has to do.
(d) Give Felix the letter.

13. What does Kaira pay the cabbie to do?
(a) Take them on a tour of San Francisco.
(b) Take them to the Golden Gate Park.
(c) Take them to a nightclub for minors.
(d) Lose Fred.

14. Why does Armpit get beat on?
(a) Moses wants the letter immediately.
(b) Moses thinks Armpit snitched.
(c) Moses thinks Armpit was the brains behind the scheme rather than X-ray.
(d) Armpit is merely threatened, not beat.

15. What does Armpit ask of Kaira?
(a) Nothing.
(b) To write a less embarrassing letter.
(c) To come do another concert in his home town.
(d) To try to compose a song to some lyrics Armpit wrote.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does X-Ray say to Armpit when X-Ray calls?

2. What does Kaira have to say when she calls Armpit that night?

3. What letters does Kaira talk about?

4. What does Newburg call Armpit?

5. Who has been embezzling money from Kaira?

(see the answer keys)

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