The Sleep of Reason Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sleep of Reason Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sounds torment Goya as he paints "Witches' Sabbath?"
(a) Cats meowing and owls screeching.
(b) Women laughing and bats screeching.
(c) Bats screeching and cats meowing.
(d) Women laughing and owls screeching.

2. What does Dr. Arrieta say would satisfy King Ferdinand's desire for revenge on Goya?
(a) If Goya were banished.
(b) If Goya were terrified.
(c) If Goya were contrite.
(d) If Goya were courageous.

3. What is the second reason the voice of Mariquita gives Goya for suspecting Leocadia has made a deal with the King's men?
(a) No more rocks have been thrown at the house.
(b) No one paints crosses on the door.
(c) No one paints crosses on the door.
(d) No one has taken Goya to prison.

4. What question does Father Duaso ask Dr. Arrieta as they leave to visit Goya?
(a) Are those paintings any good?
(b) Is Goya very ill?
(c) Does Goya know we are coming?
(d) Does King Ferdinand know we are going?

5. Why does Goya think Leocadia is no longer afraid?
(a) She has brought the children home.
(b) She has stopped crying.
(c) She no longer speaks of leaving.
(d) She whistles while she works.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Father Duaso decide to do about his visit to Goya?

2. What does Goya learn from Leocadia about the postman?

3. When does King Ferdinand instruct Father Duaso to make his visit to Goya?

4. in Part 2, Scene 3, how long has it been since Goya wrote to Martin Zapater?

5. When did King Ferdinand issue the order to Goya regarding his court appearances?

(see the answer keys)

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