The Sleep of Reason Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sleep of Reason Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Goya resolve the controversy between Gumersinda and Leocadia about where to celebrate Christmas?
(a) Goya says he will not celebrate away from his own home.
(b) Goya says he will celebrate at Gumersinda's home.
(c) Goya says he will celebrate Christmas in France.
(d) Goya says he will not celebrate Christmas this year.

2. Why does Gumersinda admonish Leocadia to show no fear to Goya?
(a) To keep from making him angry.
(b) To keep him from inciting a rebellion.
(c) To avoid upsetting him.
(d) To keep him from fleeing the country.

3. How does Gumersinda insult Leocadia?
(a) By refusing to take the tea she offers.
(b) By mentioning her unkempt appearance.
(c) By refusing to invite her home.
(d) By referring to Goya as "your master."

4. What does Dr. Arrieta suggest to help Leocadia?
(a) A tonic.
(b) A long rest.
(c) A change of scenery.
(d) A daily nap.

5. Why does Leocadia call Goya insane?
(a) Because he is in great danger, but unafraid.
(b) Because he is too stubborn to ask King Ferdinand's pardon.
(c) Because he is unaware of the danger.
(d) Because he is terrified.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is King Ferdinand's opinion of Goya after reading the letter?

2. How old is Leocadia's son Guillermo?

3. In Part 1, Scene 1, why are King Ferdinand's appointments for tomorrow far apart?

4. What does Goya accuse Leocadia of doing at the bridge?

5. What does Leocadia want Dr. Arrieta to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What choice does Goya make between engaging with Leocadia and auto-erotic activity? How do you know?

2. How is Goya's situation with King Ferdinand impossible?

3. Why does Leocadia take Goya's dementia personally?

4. How does Father Duaso feel about King Ferdinand's decision to force Goya to become submissive to the King?

5. What quality does Father Duaso display when questioned by King Ferdinand about Goya?

6. What is the theme of Goya's nightmare trial?

7. To what animals does Goya compare Leocadia and Gumersinda during their conversation?

8. What convinces King Ferdinand of Father Duaso's friendship for Goya?

9. Which of the dream figures has the most power over Goya, and what do you make of that fact?

10. What advice does King Ferdinand give Father Duaso in dealing with Goya?

(see the answer keys)

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