The Sleep of Reason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sleep of Reason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Leocadia tell Goya will happen to the button?
(a) Leocadia will keep it forever.
(b) The soldier will come to retrieve it.
(c) Leocadia will sell it.
(d) Leocadia will use it to gain entry to the palace.

2. How does Father Duaso describe Goya's paintings on the walls of his house?
(a) Ugly and artless.
(b) Majestic and inspiring.
(c) Frightening and shocking.
(d) Creative and unusual.

3. What does Dr. Arrieta call Father Duaso in Part 2, Scene 3?
(a) An operative.
(b) A traitor.
(c) A pawn.
(d) A weapon.

4. Why does Dr. Arrieta think King Ferdinand will not execute Goya?
(a) Goya's execution would distract from important issues.
(b) Goya's execution would cause a scandal.
(c) Goya's execution would be expensive and time-consuming.
(d) Goya's execution would be a miscarriage of justice.

5. What else does Goya accuse Leocadia of doing?
(a) Delivering messages from King Ferdinand.
(b) Conspiring with the liberals.
(c) Selling her body to keep their house safe.
(d) Hiding their children.

6. Why does Dr. Arrieta say that saving Goya might destroy him?
(a) Goya is on the line between terror and insanity.
(b) Goya is on the line between truth and falsehood.
(c) Goya is on the line between France and Spain.
(d) Goya is on the line between loyalty and anarchy.

7. What does King Ferdinand tell Father Duaso to do to convince Goya to ask the king's pardon?
(a) Stress the safety Goya will find in compliance.
(b) Stress the joy of King Ferdinand's favor.
(c) Stress King Ferdinand's real affection for Goya.
(d) Stress the risk Goya is running.

8. Where does Mariquita's voice tell Goya buttons are given as presents?
(a) In the armory.
(b) In the bedroom.
(c) In the town.
(d) On the bridge.

9. What does King Ferdinand suspect Dr. Arrieta of being?
(a) A Jew.
(b) A liberal.
(c) A comunero.
(d) A Mason.

10. Why does Goya think Leocadia is no longer afraid?
(a) She whistles while she works.
(b) She has stopped crying.
(c) She no longer speaks of leaving.
(d) She has brought the children home.

11. What realization comes to Father Duaso in Part 2, Scene 3?
(a) He can save Goya.
(b) He must report to King Ferdinand at once.
(c) He has fallen into a trap.
(d) He is Goya's true friend.

12. How has Leocadia changed since the servants left?
(a) She is calmer and more relaxed.
(b) She is cheerful.
(c) She is frightened.
(d) She is weary and disheveled.

13. What former order does Goya claim to obey?
(a) King Ferdinand had given Goya free reign to paint according to his own muse.
(b) King Ferdinand had told Goya never to appear at the palace unless summoned.
(c) King Ferdinand had told Goya never to appear at the palace.
(d) King Ferdinand had ordered Goya to leave the country.

14. When is Father Duaso going again to visit Goya?
(a) Christmas day.
(b) New Year's Day.
(c) December 23rd.
(d) Christmas Eve.

15. At the end of Part 2, Scene 3, what does Dr. Arrieta quote Goya as saying?
(a) "The King is a blockhead."
(b) "The sleep of reason produces monsters."
(c) "Spain is being destroyed."
(d) "The King will never bother me."

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Dr. Arrieta afraid in Part 2, Scene 12?

2. What does Father Duaso decide to do about his visit to Goya?

3. What does Goya learn from Leocadia about the postman?

4. Why does Goya tell Father Duaso he will not ask King Ferdinand's pardon?

5. What sounds torment Goya as he paints "Witches' Sabbath?"

(see the answer keys)

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