Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Baer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Baer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Danny Pearl?
(a) A reporter.
(b) A U.S. hostage in Pakistan.
(c) Baer's superior.
(d) A CIA operative.

2. What plot does Baer say he passed along to the CIA?
(a) To kill Crown Prince Abdallah.
(b) To attack U.S. embassies abroad.
(c) To blow up airplanes.
(d) To kidnap the black prince.

3. How does Baer say the Muslim Brotherhood was viewed?
(a) As an organized movement.
(b) As a series of isolated individuals.
(c) As a local problem in various places.
(d) As a messianic religion.

4. What was Baer's feeling about the CIA when he left?
(a) He felt they were watching the wrong threats.
(b) He felt they were pushing their own policies too strongly.
(c) He felt that corruption had caused the agency to be effectively blind.
(d) He felt they were out of touch.

5. Who is Asad?
(a) An opposition leader in India.
(b) A military attaché from Jordan.
(c) Head of State in Jordan.
(d) The Jordanian Ambassador to the U.S.

6. What did Na'if blame Saudi problems on in 2002, according to Baer?
(a) Secularization.
(b) The Muslim Brotherhood.
(c) Radical Islam.
(d) America.

7. How does Baer say American arms are delivered to Saudi Arabia?
(a) As exports.
(b) As gifts.
(c) As kickbacks.
(d) As bribes.

8. What does Baer say the black prince's family told him when he talked to them after the black prince was kidnapped?
(a) The FBI had kidnapped the black prince.
(b) They had been threatened by the kidnappers.
(c) They had been harassed by the FBI.
(d) They had been sworn to silence by the FBI.

9. What does Baer say the Qatar government gave to Osama bin Laden?
(a) Diplomatic immunity.
(b) Access to high-technology explosives.
(c) Passports and refuge.
(d) Money and training facilities.

10. How does Baer characterize America's relationship with Saudi Arabia?
(a) Ownership.
(b) Dependency.
(c) Hostility.
(d) Independence.

11. What does a Congressional Research Service study say would happen if the United States took over Saudi Arabia's oil fields?
(a) Russia and China would fight them.
(b) The United States would enflame regional tensions and instigate regional hostilities.
(c) The United States would look bad in front of the world.
(d) The United States would be able to stabilize the world market for oil.

12. What did Baer find when he was assigned to the CIA's Counter-Terrorism Center?
(a) Very little information about Sunni fundamentalists.
(b) Extensive ties to Muslim fundamentalists.
(c) A treasure trove of information about the Muslim Brotherhood.
(d) Pervasive radicalization of the Middle East.

13. Where did Baer work with Zuhagr Shawish?
(a) Khartoum.
(b) Beirut.
(c) Mecca.
(d) Jordan.

14. How many educated Saudis under age 45 support bin Laden, according to Baer?
(a) 95%.
(b) 70%.
(c) 50%.
(d) 25%.

15. What rumor did Baer get wind of in Iraq?
(a) Iraq was buying nuclear technology.
(b) Iraq was planning to invade Kuwait.
(c) Iraq was planning a war with Iran.
(d) Iraq was building a nuclear weapon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Saudi royal family's relationship with the International Islamic Relief Organization?

2. Why was the Muslim Brotherhood banned?

3. Why did the Saudis have difficulty paying for the Boeing deal?

4. What do Muslims feel about the Alawites, according to Baer?

5. What did Abdallah want to do when he became the leader?

(see the answer keys)

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