Slaughterhouse-Five Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Slaughterhouse-Five Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What play do the English prisoners put on to welcome the Americans?
(a) Macbeth
(b) Hamlet
(c) Cinderella
(d) The Glass Menagerie

2. What are the subjects of Roland Weary's most treasured picture?
(a) A naked woman and a Shetland pony
(b) His car and his rifle
(c) His mother and his sister
(d) His best friends back in the United States

3. What does the hobo in Billy's railroad boxcar tell him?
(a) That he knows him from somewhere.
(b) That he's been hungry for weeks.
(c) That he has been in worse situations than this.
(d) The secrets of Trafalmadore.

4. Why does Vonnegut stop at the Hudson River on the way to see his friend Bernard O'Hare?
(a) It reminds him of the Danube River.
(b) He wants to see if he can catch a trout.
(c) His daughter had never seen a river before.
(d) They want to go swimming in the water.

5. What does the Marine major tell Billy at the Lion's Club?
(a) Chaplains are silly and unnecessary in the army.
(b) Billy should not have allowed himself to be captured.
(c) Billy was a great soldier and should be proud of that.
(d) Billy should be proud of his son for joining the Green Berets.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is unique about the coat Billy Pilgrim gets from the Germans?

2. What was it about the Grand Canyon that scared Billy?

3. Where did the soldiers take Billy and Roland?

4. When does Billy make his first public speech?

5. Where is Billy when he wakes up from his dream?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why were the British officers in this particular camp?

2. What is unusual about the way Tralfamadorans view time?

3. Why do the Tralfamadorans not believe in free will?

4. Where does Billy wake up after falling asleep with the other prisoners in the stone cottage?

5. Why do the Germans need to record the names of the prisoners?

6. Why did Roland Weary start to beat and kick Billy?

7. How do the Tralfamadorans answer Billy's question about being kidnapped?

8. What did Kurt Vonnegut learn about the bombing of Dresden when he wrote to the Air Force for details?

9. Why does Kurt Vonnegut use real information from his life in this book?

10. Describe the structure of a Tralfamadoran novel.

(see the answer keys)

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