Slaughterhouse-Five Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Slaughterhouse-Five Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many novels has Kilgore Trout written?
(a) Two dozen
(b) Three hundred
(c) Twenty-five
(d) At least seventy-five

2. What do Billy, Werner, and Edgar find instead of a kitchen?
(a) A pen filled with the bodies of animals
(b) A library stuffed with old books
(c) A large shower with naked girls in it
(d) A room that holds luggage from refugees

3. What do the American pilots do when they see the prisoners of war walking through Dresden after the bombing?
(a) Drop leaflets about freedom
(b) Fire bullets at them
(c) Drop packages of food
(d) Stop to rescue them

4. Who is Bertram Rumfoord?
(a) Another survivor of the Dresden bombing
(b) A professor and official Air Force Historian
(c) Another optometrist in the airplane crash
(d) Billy Pilgrim's father-in-law

5. Who broke Paul Lazzaro's arm?
(a) A Russian Prisoner of war
(b) A German soldier
(c) Billy Pilgrim
(d) The Blue Fairy Godmother

6. Who finds Billy after the airplane crash?
(a) A boyscout troop hiking in the woods
(b) The barbershop quartet
(c) A ranger from a nearby station
(d) Two Austrian ski instructors

7. What does Vonnegut imagine doing as he flies over the East German cities?
(a) Having a few beers later on
(b) Dropping bombs on them
(c) Taking a space ship to another planet
(d) Talking to the people below

8. What work does Billy do as a prisoner of war?
(a) He censors letters.
(b) He prepares meals.
(c) He cleans and fills jars with syrup.
(d) He counts passengers.

9. What does Billy find in the theater to wear?
(a) Cinderella's gown
(b) Silver boots
(c) Somebody's fur hat
(d) A new overcoat

10. What present does Billy give his wife at their eighteenth wedding anniversary?
(a) A sapphire necklace
(b) A cocktail ring
(c) Diamond earrings
(d) A tennis bracelet

11. In New York, Billy stays at which hotel?
(a) Trump Tower
(b) The Royalton Hotel
(c) The Ritz-Carlton
(d) The Warwick

12. Who was in the camp hospital with Billy when he woke up?
(a) Roland Weary and Edgar Derby
(b) A British Officer
(c) Edgar Derby and Paul Lazzaro
(d) No one

13. What distracts Billy from Campbell's talk?
(a) Edgar Derby
(b) Explosions
(c) Sleepiness
(d) Heartburn

14. What decision does Billy come to while he is in the hospital after surgery?
(a) Never to get into another airplane
(b) Never to get married again
(c) To protest the Vietnam War
(d) To tell the world about Tralfamadore

15. Where does Billy time travel to while he is on the airplane?
(a) Forward to the time when his daughter finds him in a cold house
(b) Forward to the moment when he first meets Montana Wildhack
(c) Back to the moment when he proposed to his wife, Valencia
(d) Back to the time he spent with Roland Weary before being captured

Short Answer Questions

1. In addition to being Rumfoord's fifth wife, Lily is also. . .

2. Who was not permitted to enter Dresden after the bombing?

3. What happened to Billy's partner?

4. What happens while Billy is still unconscious in the hospital?

5. Why did the Englishman say that Dresden would never be bombed?

(see the answer keys)

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