Slaughterhouse-Five Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Slaughterhouse-Five Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of book does Vonnegut tell his friend he is writing?
(a) An anti-glacier book
(b) An anti-war book
(c) A memoir
(d) An epic

2. What was Edgar Derby's job before he joined the army?
(a) He was a high school teacher.
(b) He drove a forklift in a warehouse.
(c) He was an advertising executive.
(d) He worked in a toothpaste factory.

3. Kurt Vonnegut tells Mary O'Hare that he is going to call his book:
(a) Slaughterhouse-Five
(b) So It Goes
(c) The Children's Crusade
(d) The Destruction of Dresden

4. What does the Tralfamadoran compare a moment in time to?
(a) A flickering flame
(b) The reflection in a mirror
(c) A bug trapped in amber
(d) A sheet of ice

5. What does Billy do after he leaves the hospital?
(a) He tells a radio audience that he was kidnapped by aliens.
(b) He goes back to Dresden to see what it looks like now.
(c) He writes a book about his war experiences.
(d) He leaves his wife for a movie star named Montana Wildhack.

6. Where does Billy time travel to while in the showers?
(a) He goes back to the night when he was kidnapped.
(b) He returns to the Lion's Club dinner in 1957.
(c) He recalls nearly drowning in the swimming pool.
(d) He becomes an infant being washed by his mother.

7. What do stars look like to Tralfamadorans?
(a) Strings of luminous spaghetti
(b) Pulsating circles of light
(c) Glowing bouncing balls
(d) Hexagonal specks of light

8. How did Billy Pilgrim learn to swim?
(a) His father threw him into the deep end of a swimming pool.
(b) He took lessons from a girl in a blue swimming suit.
(c) He used to go swimming with other boys in a local creek.
(d) He was on a sail boat that capsized during a storm.

9. Why does Mary O'Hare get angry at Kurt Vonnegut?
(a) He gets her husband drunk in the kitchen.
(b) He ignores her when she asks questions.
(c) She thinks he is going to glorify soldiers in war.
(d) He refuses to drink the tea she offers.

10. What, according to the Tralfamadoran, is a concept that only appears on Earth?
(a) Free will
(b) Time
(c) Love
(d) Charity

11. What question does Billy ask the Tralfamadorans?
(a) Where his mother is.
(b) Where they are and how they got there.
(c) What life on Trafalmadore is like.
(d) How his life will end.

12. What does Barbara think is wrong with Billy when she finds him in his cold house?
(a) She thinks he is distracted by grief.
(b) She thinks he got pneumonia.
(c) She thinks he is too proud to ask for money.
(d) She thinks he is getting senile.

13. What does one of the German soldiers do to Roland Weary?
(a) Takes away his uniform
(b) Mocks his accent
(c) Beats him with a rifle
(d) Spits on his shoulder

14. What happens when Billy tries to sleep in the railroad car?
(a) Someone in the darkness starts screaming loudly.
(b) The railroad car starts moving too fast to sleep.
(c) The guards start searching through the railroad car.
(d) The other soldiers tell him to go lie down someplace else.

15. What name does Roland Weary give to the group of lost soldiers?
(a) The Lost Souls
(b) The Band of Brothers
(c) The Three Musketeers
(d) The Last Warriors

Short Answer Questions

1. Who rescues Billy from being beaten by Roland Weary?

2. Why do the Germans take pictures of Roland and Billy?

3. Vonnegut notes that more people were killed in Dresden than. . .

4. What is unique about the coat Billy Pilgrim gets from the Germans?

5. Who does Roland Weary blame for his death?

(see the answer keys)

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