Slaughterhouse-Five Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Slaughterhouse-Five Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Billy find himself the morning after he becomes drunk at the party?
(a) On Tralfamadore
(b) In the backseat of his car
(c) On the front lawn of the house
(d) In a prisoner of war camp

2. Vonnegut dedicates the book to Mary O'Hare and Gerhard Müller. Who is Gerhard Müller?
(a) A policeman in Chicago
(b) A guard in the prison camp
(c) The author of a book on massacres
(d) A taxi-driver in Dresde

3. What are the subjects of Roland Weary's most treasured picture?
(a) His car and his rifle
(b) His best friends back in the United States
(c) His mother and his sister
(d) A naked woman and a Shetland pony

4. What do the Tralfamadorans say when a person dies?
(a) That's a pity.
(b) No one really dies.
(c) Rejoice!
(d) So it goes.

5. What name does Roland Weary give to the group of lost soldiers?
(a) The Three Musketeers
(b) The Lost Souls
(c) The Band of Brothers
(d) The Last Warriors

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Barbara Pilgrim?

2. This took place in:

3. Why does Mary O'Hare get angry at Kurt Vonnegut?

4. What does Billy do when he gets drunk at the party in 1961?

5. One of Kurt Vonnegut's war buddies was killed for. . .

(see the answer key)

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