Slapstick: Or, Lonesome No More! Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Slapstick: Or, Lonesome No More! Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of clothing do Wilbur and Eliza wear as children?
(a) The latest fashions.
(b) Circus costumes.
(c) Rags.
(d) They do not wear clothing.

2. Why does Dr. Cordiner resent Wilbur and Eliza?
(a) Their effortless brilliance.
(b) Their refusal to play small.
(c) Their family is rich.
(d) Their ugliness.

3. Dr. Mott keeps careful records of Wilbur and Eliza's what?
(a) IQ.
(b) Reading aptitude.
(c) Expenditures.
(d) Weight and growth.

4. In the Prologue, which opera is discussed by the Vonnegut brothers?
(a) Otello.
(b) Mirielle.
(c) Tosca.
(d) Aida.

5. When Wilbur and Eliza reveal their intelligence to the staff at the mansion, they also do what?
(a) Give them money.
(b) Cook and clean.
(c) Apologize.
(d) Solve their problems.

Short Answer Questions

1. What mystery do Wilbur and Eliza discover about the mansion?

2. During the Prologue, what does Kurt daydream about on the plane ride?

3. What do the nurses enjoy doing with the children?

4. Who is the first person in the household staff to learn Wilbur and Eliza are smart?

5. Who is the primary caretaker of Wilbur and Eliza when they are children?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Kurt Vonnegut consider his family, in addition to his immediate family?

2. What do Wilbur and Eliza discover about gravity?

3. Wilbur believes that Elihu added Roosevelt to his name for what purpose?

4. When their father seems conflicted about their intelligence, how do Wilbur and Eliza react?

5. As children, what do Wilbur and Eliza read about beautiful people?

6. As Wilbur writes his memoirs, he discovers Melody and Isadore are planning a what?

7. Following her stay in the mental institution, what does Eliza think of the United States?

8. When Wilbur is sent to school, what happens to his relationship with Eliza?

9. When Dr. Cordiner belittles Wilbur and Eliza in front of their mother, how does Letitia react?

10. Once Eliza is out of the institution, what is her opinion of Wilbur?

(see the answer keys)

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