Slapstick: Or, Lonesome No More! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Slapstick: Or, Lonesome No More! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When confronting Wilbur about her inheritance, Eliza claims that who has become her real family?
(a) Mushari.
(b) Betty Brown.
(c) Dr. Mott.
(d) Dr. Cordiner.

2. How does Wilbur learn of Eliza's trip to China?
(a) Their mother.
(b) She sends him a letter.
(c) It is on the news.
(d) Fu Manchu.

3. Why do the Daffodils deny Cousin Grace the right to assist refugees?
(a) The government is watching her.
(b) She lives out in the country.
(c) Her home is not big enough.
(d) She is not a good housekeeper.

4. Who tells Wilbur about Eliza's death?
(a) The newspapers.
(b) Fu Manchu.
(c) Dr. Mott.
(d) Their mother.

5. What do Wilbur and Eliza write together, during their reunion?
(a) A manual on raising children.
(b) A deposition against their parents.
(c) A study of mental telepathy.
(d) A book of Chinese experiments.

6. What does the publisher rename the book written by Wilbur and Eliza?
(a) He Thinks, She Thinks.
(b) Goat Suckers and Ruining Lives.
(c) So You Went and Had a Baby.
(d) So You Want to Speak Chinese.

7. What truth does Wilbur reveal to Eliza, on the night of his graduation?
(a) That he is getting married.
(b) That they are not related.
(c) That he loves her.
(d) That she is beautiful.

8. What is the name of the religious cult that starts when Wilbur is in office?
(a) Time Travel and Jesus.
(b) The Church of Jesus Christ the Kidnapped.
(c) The Church of God the Runaway.
(d) Jesus, God, and Gravity.

9. Where does Eliza buy a condo?
(a) Paris.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Machu Picchu.
(d) Virgin Islands.

10. Why does Sophie crawl into Wilbur's office to discuss her new name?
(a) Wilbur hates it when she crawls.
(b) She is pretending to be a cat.
(c) He is more powerful than her.
(d) Gravity is heavy.

11. Where is the Daffodil directory kept?
(a) The Brooklyn Bridge.
(b) In the Financial District.
(c) Harlem.
(d) The Empire State Building.

12. What happens to the world as gravity shifts?
(a) Everything gets heavy.
(b) Black holes form in pot holes.
(c) The oceans take over the land.
(d) Everything flies away.

13. Where does the King of Lake Maxinkuckee live?
(a) Mackinac Island.
(b) A former state office.
(c) A former military academy.
(d) A palace on a hill.

14. How old is Wilbur when he gets remarried?
(a) 99.
(b) 68.
(c) 50.
(d) 70.

15. When Wilbur visits the King of Lake Maxinkuckee, his visit is documented by what?
(a) Video phone.
(b) A fingerprint system.
(c) Scribes.
(d) Telepathic recording.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the expression "going to China" mean?

2. What color does Wilbur paint the oval office, after receiving his new middle name?

3. How does Wilbur cope with Eliza's death?

4. Who does Dr. Mott quote on Wilbur's graduation card?

5. What does Budweiser do when gravity shifts?

(see the answer keys)

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