Slam! Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Slam! Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened during the first game after Greg had been put in?
(a) They came back and won the game.
(b) The other team stepped up their game.
(c) He was injured.
(d) His teammates turned on him.

2. How was the team doing during the first half of their first game?
(a) They were embarrassing themselves with their ineptitude.
(b) They were stomping the other team.
(c) They were falling behind rapidly.
(d) They were slowly but surely edging ahead.

3. What did Greg do in the car with Kicky?
(a) They talked about school.
(b) They were kissing.
(c) They talked about basketball.
(d) They smoked together.

4. Who called Greg after the St. John's game?
(a) Ice
(b) Mr. Tate
(c) Goldy
(d) Mtisha

5. What did Greg think about his new school?
(a) He hated it.
(b) He though the kids were too standoffish.
(c) He wanted to stick with it.
(d) He loved their basketball team.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to Greg's social status after the game?

2. Why did Kicky and Greg go back to the car?

3. How does Ducky act when he's on the court?

4. How did Greg actually do on his math test?

5. Where was Mtisha planning to go?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Greg feel about his art lessons?

2. What was the school project that Greg had to work on? With whom did he have to work?

3. What was unique about the proposed tutor, and how did Greg react to him?

4. How did the team do against Regis? What did they think about Greg's playing?

5. What was the basketball team at Latimer like?

6. Why were Greg and Mtisha concerned about Ice? What made them think he might be getting himself into trouble?

7. What were some of the things that Greg decided to film? How did the people around him react to the filming?

8. What was Karen sketching, and how did Greg feel about it?

9. What kind of role did Goldy have in Greg's life?

10. What type of school was Latimer?

(see the answer keys)

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