The Sky Is Gray Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernest J. Gaines
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sky Is Gray Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernest J. Gaines
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who enters the waiting room at the beginning of Chapter 9?
(a) The nurse.
(b) The man with the black top hat.
(c) The preacher.
(d) The dentist.

2. What does the boy with the book blame for the fact that he doesn't believe in God?
(a) That the wait for the dentist is too long.
(b) That he was born too late.
(c) That everything is evil in the world.
(d) That books are hard to read.

3. What does Mama's coat smell like?
(a) Pig slop.
(b) A wet dog.
(c) Horse dung.
(d) Roses.

4. When James looks at his Mama at the beginning of Chapter 10, what does he want to do?
(a) Hug her.
(b) Stand close to her.
(c) Sing to her.
(d) Kiss her.

5. When Mama and James leave the dentist's office and go outside, where do they stand?
(a) Against the wall.
(b) On the steps.
(c) By a river.
(d) On the road.

6. The nurse claims that the dentist will not see any more patients until what time?
(a) Noon.
(b) One o'clock.
(c) Two o'clock.
(d) Three o'clock.

7. What color of sweater is the woman that is waiting in the dentist's office next to James and his Mama wearing under her black sweater?
(a) Red.
(b) Pink.
(c) White.
(d) Green.

8. After Mama and James leave the store and are walking at the end of Chapter 9, what does James try to prevent Mama from hearing?
(a) His stomach growling.
(b) Dogs barking at them.
(c) Men whistling.
(d) White people eating lunch.

9. Who says at the end of Chapter 8, "I haven't anything" after they state that they hope all young people aren't like them?
(a) Mama.
(b) The nurse.
(c) The preacher.
(d) The boy with the book.

10. Where does the young black man that is arguing with the preacher say his mom is?
(a) In the hospital.
(b) On a boat.
(c) In a graveyard.
(d) At home in bed.

11. James is so cold by the end of Chapter 10 that he wants to do what?
(a) Cry.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Dance.
(d) Sing.

12. Who says, "nurse, I have to go back in the field this evening" after finding out that the dentist is not taking anymore patients until after lunch?
(a) The man smoking a pipe.
(b) The preacher.
(c) Mama.
(d) The boy with the book.

13. What color of coat does James want to get for his Mama?
(a) Red.
(b) Pink.
(c) White.
(d) Black.

14. When James and Mama get back to the dentist's office, what can't they do?
(a) Smell smoke.
(b) Talk to the nurse.
(c) See the doctor.
(d) Open the door.

15. What do James and Mama do after seeing what time it is on the clock that James sees in Chapter 10?
(a) They decide to window shop.
(b) They go eat.
(c) They sit down on the steps.
(d) They go stand beside a building.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the people wearing that are coming into the office in Chapter 8?

2. In Chapter 11, James states that his hands are so cold that he can't hold what?

3. What does Mama say when James sniffs while they are walking in the cold?

4. While James and his Mama are walking, James said he'd be happy if it was what all the time?

5. What does James do when he feels something hit his cap?

(see the answer keys)

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