The Skin of Our Teeth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Skin of Our Teeth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Sabina describe people without deep feelings?
(a) People of shallowness.
(b) People of mirrors.
(c) People of toothpicks.
(d) People of straw.

2. What color are Gladys' stockings?
(a) Red.
(b) Black.
(c) Blue.
(d) Pink.

3. Henry vows to be free even if he has to do what?
(a) Die to do it.
(b) Leave everyone to do it.
(c) Disappear to do it.
(d) Kill everyone to do it.

4. When Mrs. Antrobus and Gladys appear to greet Henry, what are they wearing?
(a) Their costumes from Act 1.
(b) The robes of some priesthood.
(c) Their costumes from Act 2.
(d) New costumes for Act 3.

5. Sabina tells Henry that his father is determined to do what to her?
(a) Kill her.
(b) Imprison her.
(c) Kidnap her.
(d) Seduce her.

6. What is Mr. Antrobus wearing when he appears in Act 3, Part 2?
(a) A fur jacket.
(b) A navy blue suit.
(c) A uniform.
(d) A long overcoat.

7. The stand-ins' lines say that the power of the mind springs from what?
(a) Divine worship.
(b) Divine help.
(c) Divine intervention.
(d) Divine energy.

8. Mr. Antrobus, upon hearing that Henry promises to go away, does what?
(a) Asks him to stay.
(b) Gives him supplies.
(c) Wishes him good luck.
(d) Gives him money.

9. When Gladys runs away from Mr. Antrobus, Sabina tells him not to worry and that it will all be forgotten in how long?
(a) A week.
(b) 10 years.
(c) A few days.
(d) 100 years.

10. Henry says that he has no family and doesn't want what?
(a) A home.
(b) Peace of mind.
(c) A family.
(d) Pity.

11. How do Mrs. Antrobus and Gladys appear on the stage in the beginning of Act 3?
(a) From a trapdoor in the floor.
(b) Walking onto the stage from backstage.
(c) Walking onto the stage from the audience.
(d) Descending from above.

12. Why does Mrs. Antrobus hand Gladys over to her father and then leave again?
(a) To say goodbye to her family.
(b) To find food.
(c) To look for Henry.
(d) To pack their things.

13. The stage directions for Act 3, Part 2 describe Henry as being a representation of what?
(a) Spiteful evil.
(b) Strong unreconciled evil.
(c) Unreconciled idiotic evil.
(d) Strong spiteful evil.

14. Mr. Antrobus vows to continue fighting Henry, saying they both want what?
(a) An end.
(b) Relaxation.
(c) Peace.
(d) Freedom.

15. Mr. Antrobus says that war is a what, compared to the prospect of trying to build a new life with Henry in the middle of it?
(a) Piece of cake.
(b) Pleasure.
(c) Moment of relaxation.
(d) Walk in the sunshine.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Henry is sleeping and shouting, what does Mr. Antrobus take out?

2. Who says that Henry's story in Act 3 is not true?

3. Mr. Antrobus says that working so hard has caused him to cease what?

4. When the substitutes are ready, what does Sabina do?

5. As Henry goes out in Act 3, Part 2, who does he apologize to?

(see the answer keys)

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