Skinny Legs and All Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skinny Legs and All Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ellen Cherry do to make up for her failed celebration with Boomer?

2. What about Buddy attracts Ellen Cherry?

3. What does Ellen Cherry paint shortly after beginning work at the I & I?

4. What is Boomer Petway's trade?

5. What about Conch Shell immediately attracts Dirty Sock?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Ellen Cherry reflects on Boomer's fear that she loves art more than him, she admits that it's true, but adds that she loves art more than herself too. What does this tell us about Ellen Cherry and about her opinion of art?

2. Describe Ellen Cherry's eye game.

3. What do you think is significant about the fact that Boomer and Ellen Cherry wake up Painted Stick and Conch Shell?

4. Explain the symbolism of the I & I.

5. Describe Abu Hadee's history, as it's recounted in "The Fourth Veil"?

6. What does Robbins say about religion at the end of the Fourth Veil?

7. All of the objects are given a gender except Can 'o Beans. Why is this significant?

8. The first line in this section is "the pendulum swung yet again." It is referring to Can 'o Beans account of religious history. What does this suggest about religion?

9. What is the relationship between the first veil that is revealed and the actions of the novel so far?

10. What are some ways you can interpret Boomer's spy coat sculpture in which he declares his love for Ellen Cherry in a 500 different encoded messages?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Compare and contrast the historical account in this novel, including Robbins' interpretations of the events with the generally accepted historical view. This requires some basic research. Be careful to limit your comparison to a manageable sequence of events. For example, do not try to track the entire historical background from the first temple to modern day Jerusalem. Choose a coherent part of the history detailed in the novel and limit yourself to that. You could, for example, choose to focus on the Jerusalem from the first temple to the second. Or, you might focus on the 20th century conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Essay Topic 2

Compare the two stories of Salome. How does the ancient version of Salome compare to the modern version? The ancient Salome performs the Dance of the Seven Veils in exchange for John the Baptist's head on a plate. The modern Salome dances in response to Ellen Cherry's mural during the Super Bowl.

Essay Topic 3

Track the allusions to Wolfmother Wallpaper. Who or what is Wolfmother Wallpaper? What function do the allusions to Wolfmother Wallpaper play in the novel, if any?

(see the answer keys)

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