Skinny Legs and All Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skinny Legs and All Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Spoon about Painted Stick's reception of her after she rejoins the other objects?
(a) His eager questioning.
(b) His laconic indifference.
(c) His absent mindedness.
(d) He amorous attentions.

2. What band member is added to the I & I band?
(a) A bass player.
(b) A female tambourine player.
(c) A male pianist.
(d) A female vocalist.

3. What does Ellen Cherry do with the spoon when she takes her out of the drawer?
(a) Put her in her pocket.
(b) Paint her.
(c) Spoon jelly.
(d) The eye game.

4. What part of the belly dancer's body represents the first veil that is removed in her Dance of the Seven Veils?
(a) Stomach.
(b) Pelvic region.
(c) Throat.
(d) Face.

5. What is Boomer's final gift to Ellen Cherry?
(a) The Turkey.
(b) A portrait of her.
(c) Spoon.
(d) Can 'o Beans.

6. What removes Ellen Cherry's feeling of guilt about sleeping with Spike?
(a) She paints it.
(b) Patsy tells her that sex in marriage is as normal as bread.
(c) Boomer sends her a letter saying he sleeps with Ultima.
(d) That Ultima goes to Jerusalem to visit Boomer.

7. Who protects Spoon as she finds her way back to the Cathedral?
(a) Dirty Sock.
(b) Can 'o Beans.
(c) Conch Shell.
(d) Painted Stick.

8. Who does spoon hit when she falls out of the window of Ellen Cherry's apartment?
(a) Spike.
(b) Abu.
(c) Raoul.
(d) Ellen Cherry.

9. Who hears Spike and Ellen Cherry after hours in the I &I?
(a) Ultima.
(b) Abu.
(c) The guard.
(d) Raoul.

10. Why does Buddy say he's glad Boomer is in Jerusalem?
(a) Because he's persuaded him to blow up the Temple Mount.
(b) So he can spy on the Jews.
(c) In case he needs him to run an errand or two.
(d) For his education.

11. What is realization associated with the seventh veil?
(a) Everyone has to figure out their own reality and truth.
(b) Realization relies of the reinstatement of the femine to a position of equality.
(c) Reality and truth are an illusion.
(d) Truth is revealed in the second coming.

12. Which painting does Ellen Cherry sell for $7000?
(a) Boomer with the tongues.
(b) Nude Boomer with an ice cream cone instead of loins.
(c) A surreal landscape.
(d) The objects.

13. Who does Ellen call to see if Boomer is back in town?
(a) Buddy.
(b) Verlin.
(c) Patsy.
(d) Ultima.

14. From what vantage point does Spoon spy on Ellen Cherry and her family?
(a) The floor.
(b) The mantle.
(c) The coffee table.
(d) The radiator.

15. What animal plays a role in Boomer's sculpture?
(a) Cow.
(b) Pig.
(c) Monkey.
(d) Donkey.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Turn Around Norman stop performing?

2. Who dies at the end of the Sixth Veil?

3. What is the bumper sticker slogan that Ellen Cherry and Boomer sees as they are driving across the country?

4. What task does Boomer perform for Buddy in Jerusalem?

5. What is the catch in the belly dancer's assent to perform the Dance of the Seven Veils?

(see the answer keys)

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