Skinny Legs and All Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skinny Legs and All Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Boomer's compliment for Ellen Cherry's hair?
(a) Sexual hair.
(b) Playful hair.
(c) Artsy hair.
(d) Bedroom hair.

2. Who showed up on a bus outside the I & I?
(a) Patsy.
(b) Verlin.
(c) Buddy.
(d) Boomer.

3. What is Boomer's sculpture in the Fifth Veil constructed out of?
(a) Toilet paper rolls.
(b) Empty paint cans.
(c) Duct tape.
(d) Popcorn.

4. Where is the first place Ellen Cherry goes after she leaves art school?
(a) New Mexico.
(b) Boomer's house.
(c) Her parents' house.
(d) Cincinnati.

5. What does Ellen Cherry choose to do during her celebration with Boomer at the Drive-in?
(a) Sleep.
(b) Make love to Boomer.
(c) Work on her art.
(d) Watch the movie.

6. What does Roland Abu Hadee do after he is kicked out of school?
(a) Works as a dishwasher.
(b) Takes a road trip.
(c) Works as a waiter.
(d) Joins a religious commune.

7. Who wakes up at the end of the First Veil?
(a) Purple Rock and Twisted Pine.
(b) Painted Stick and Conch Shell.
(c) Boomer.
(d) Ellen Cherry.

8. What about Buddy attracts Ellen Cherry?
(a) His clothes.
(b) His voice.
(c) His mouth.
(d) His hands.

9. What happens when Boomer and Ellen Cherry are in the western bar?
(a) Ellen Cherry falls down the stairs.
(b) Boomer calls his father.
(c) Boomer gets in a fight.
(d) Ellen Cherry gets hit on.

10. What happens at the church where all the objects leave Can 'o Beans?
(a) A baptism.
(b) A murder.
(c) A wedding.
(d) A funeral.

11. What does Buddy get in trouble with law for doing?
(a) Urinating in public.
(b) Preaching outside a restaurant.
(c) Hitting Patsy.
(d) Speeding.

12. What happens to Spike Cohen?
(a) He gets shot in the head.
(b) He has a heart attack.
(c) He is beat up by a patron at the restaurant.
(d) He breaks his leg.

13. What event keeps being repeated at the I & I?
(a) Bomb threats.
(b) Sightings of famous people.
(c) Art shows.
(d) Shootings.

14. When Boomer Petway is in high school, he is the best at what?
(a) Football.
(b) Breakdancing.
(c) Track and field.
(d) Acting.

15. What do Painted Stick and Conch Shell do for the other objects immediately after meeting them?
(a) Give them an energy boost so they can move.
(b) Sing ancient songs to them.
(c) Tidy them up.
(d) Give them the power of speech.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Conch Shell and Painted Stick say happens after the Second Coming?

2. Who says that Buddy Winkler's look while preaching "Makes me feel like he wants to chew the elastic outta my underpants"?

3. How is the ancient observatory, where Conch Shell and Painted Stick live, funded?

4. To what does Patsy Charles attribute Ellen Cherry Charles' move to New York?

5. What is Spike's birth name?

(see the answer keys)

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