Skeleton Man Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skeleton Man Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What concerns Chee as he is following Bernie's tracks?
(a) Whether he'll be able to follow them on the bare rockface.
(b) There are mountain lion tracks on the trail.
(c) There is a fresh track obviously made by a huge man.
(d) There are two other sets of tracks on the same trail.

2. For what does Joanna ask before searching for Bernie?
(a) A cigarette.
(b) A flashlight.
(c) The arm.
(d) Her gun.

3. Where are the tracks?
(a) On the same trail, but one going up and one coming down.
(b) On the same trail and same direction but not made at the same time.
(c) On two parallel horizontal trails.
(d) On two parallel vertical trails.

4. Who is the Kachina spirit who taught the Hopi not to fear death?
(a) Hoopiala.
(b) Osiwa.
(c) Kachinili.
(d) Matwa or the Skeleton Man.

5. What does Bernie demand?
(a) That they leave immediately.
(b) That they get what they want and wait there for the helicopter.
(c) That they surrender the firearms.
(d) That they go out of the cave where she can check them out.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Joanna spot on the canyon floor by the river?

2. What does Chandler do when Joanna passes his hiding place?

3. What does the old shaman who lives on the side of the canyon claim?

4. What does Chee see shooting out of the slot?

5. Why is Bernie told she should not be there?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 16, the reader learns more about the Hopi legend of the Skeleton Man, for which the book is named; what is this legend?

2. In Chapter 21, why do you think Chee is alarmed that none of the tracks comes back out of the canyon?

3. What is incongruous in Chapter 26 that conflicts with something narrated in Chapter 14?

4. Why do you think Chandler gives Joanne back the arm bone of her father?

5. How is Bernie's assurance about Chandler highly ironic in the scheme of the history of Native Americans?

6. What might be the implications of Bernie and Chee's relationship from the way they are interacting at the end of Chapter 28?

7. When the old Hopi woman warns Bernie that she shouldn't be there, the woman then warms up to her; why do you think this is?

8. Why do you think Joanna avoids the violent death that may be awaiting Chandler at the hand of the water?

9. Why do you think Cowboy Dashee is part of this story since it seems he did not contribute much in previous chapters and he is now out of the story because of his ankle?

10. What do you think Joanna's decision to continue down to the canyon floor indicates?

(see the answer keys)

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