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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who takes Billy to his mother's house?
(a) Sheldon.
(b) Joe Leaphorn.
(c) Joanna.
(d) Billy's uncle.
2. What does Louisa tell Joe that he should have thought about himself?
(a) That Chee and Jim are now involved in the case.
(b) That the Hopi tribe on the canyon floor are unwilling to produce the shaman.
(c) To check when Billy has his intitiation rites to know when he met the shaman.
(d) That Joanna's father is the one whose arm is handcuffed to the briefcase.
3. What does Bernadette Manuelito admire on her way to Chee's trailer?
(a) A snake sunning on a rock.
(b) A few elk in the pasture.
(c) A coyote pair with cubs.
(d) The cumulus clouds.
4. Where does Cowboy ask Chee to go with him?
(a) To find out for sure what is in Joanna's purse.
(b) To the canyon.
(c) To see Billy Tuve again.
(d) To talk to the jeweler's widow.
5. What does Joanna do when she observes Billy get in a car with someone and leave?
(a) Gets out her pistol and follows them.
(b) Calls Joe Leaphorn.
(c) Calls 911.
(d) Goes back to town.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Brad Chandler doing?
2. Who does Joe find at the trading post?
3. What does Cowboy Dashee want Joe to do?
4. Who was Joanna's mother's attorney?
5. What do both Jim and Chee question about Joanna's purse?
Short Essay Questions
1. In a mystery, every sentence offers clues, either about the case or about the characters that are part of the case; what does the reader learn early on about Joe Leaphorn from one sentence?
2. What seems to be a likely foreshadowing of a coming event?
3. What story does Shorty tell that is the motivation for the setting moving to the floor of the Grand Canyon?
4. How is the story about Cat an allegory for what Chee has encountered in his life?
5. Why do you think Hillerman stereotypes characters such as Chandler and Plymale, making them one-dimensional?
6. How do the two characters introduced in Chapter 3 contrast with each other?
7. What allusion to the allegory of Cat story is contained in Chapter 13?
8. What besides Billy's brain injury could be a reason for his inability to give a date of his Kiva ritual?
9. What in this chapter may foreshadow a future event?
10. Why do you think Fred Sherman, an ex-cop, is introduced as another "bad" guy?
This section contains 1,238 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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