Skeleton Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skeleton Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chandler pull out of a shaving cream container?
(a) A razor.
(b) A .22 pistol.
(c) Two bullets.
(d) A walkie talkie.

2. What does Sherman tell Chandler?
(a) That two retired cops have already solved the case.
(b) The facts of the case that Sherman has already learned.
(c) That Joanna has already hired him.
(d) That he wants a fifty percent take on the case.

3. What does the new law enforcement file contain?
(a) A case of embezzlement.
(b) A case of blackmail.
(c) A case of rape and robbery.
(d) A robbery and homicide of a jeweler in the nearby town of Zuni.

4. What does Chandler figure will happen to Plymale if Joanna's lineage is irrefutably proven?
(a) He would likely face criminal charges as well as lose his fortune if Joanna finds the arm.
(b) Nothing.
(c) He would have a long court battle.
(d) He would be forced to kill Joanna.

5. What does Tuve claim?
(a) That the Great Spirit provides the diamond for a ceremony.
(b) That his father, Joe's brother, gave him a diamond.
(c) That he was railroaded out of the police department.
(d) He got the diamond from an old shaman down in the canyon.

6. Who is Plymale?
(a) An actor friend of John Clarke's.
(b) A person who manages a charity to which John Clarke left his fortune.
(c) Hal Simmons's partner.
(d) An FBI code name for the diamond case.

7. Where is Billy?
(a) The tribal convention center.
(b) The second mesa.
(c) A pow wow.
(d) The jail awaiting a trial date.

8. Who tries to get Joanna's mother to abort Joanna and accept money?
(a) Plymale.
(b) John Clarke's uncle.
(c) Joanna's grandmother.
(d) John Clarke's father.

9. Who arrives in New Mexico at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) Jim Chee.
(b) Joanna Craig.
(c) Joe Leaphorn.
(d) Jon Running Brave.

10. How does Billy become mentally challenged?
(a) He suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome.
(b) He was born with Down's Syndrome.
(c) He had a brain tumor removed.
(d) He is rolled on by a horse as a young boy.

11. What is the area in which Bernadette Manuelito experiencing right now?
(a) A large influx of people.
(b) A drought.
(c) An over abundance of rain.
(d) Population decline.

12. What does Bernadette Manuelito admire on her way to Chee's trailer?
(a) A coyote pair with cubs.
(b) The cumulus clouds.
(c) A snake sunning on a rock.
(d) A few elk in the pasture.

13. What does Chandler tell Sherman?
(a) That the kid who is charged with the crime is not guilty.
(b) About how there are millions of dollars worth of diamonds some where in the canyon.
(c) That Joanna may show up and Sherman is to get rid of her.
(d) About the air crash and Joanna's quest.

14. Who is Fred Sherman?
(a) An FBI agent on the diamond case.
(b) Chee's ex-brother-in-law.
(c) An ex-cop Chandler hires.
(d) Joanna's brother.

15. About what do the three men educate Joanna?
(a) The danger of sudden rainstorms.
(b) A general layout of the area.
(c) Native traditions and rituals.
(d) The danger of rattlers and scorpians.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animal in the story starts the whole cycle of change?

2. Who is Billy Tuve?

3. Who shoots Sherman?

4. With whom does Joanna partner to go after Plymale?

5. Who is Bernadette Manuelito?

(see the answer keys)

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