Objects & Places from Skeleton Man

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Skeleton Man

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Grand Canyon

This is the location for the climactic action at the end of the novel.

Second Mesa

Billy Tuve's home is here.

The Navajo Inn

A coffee shop is in this place and is where Joe Leaphorn and his cronies meet to recall the tale of the Skeleton Man.

Short Mountain

Shorty McGinnis runs the trading post at this desolate location.

The El Rancho Motel

The location of Billy Tuve's interrogation by Joanna Craig.


A case of these was lost in a 1956 mid-air collision over the Grand Canyon.

Snuff Tins

The old shaman who found the diamonds encases them in these to build a shrine in a hidden slot canyon within the Grand Canyon.

John Craig's Arm

The diamond case was cuffed to this when the planes collided in 1956.

Entrenching Tool

Billy Tuve traded this Army Surplus item to the Shaman for a diamond.

Hunting Knife with Scabbard

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