Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Final Test - Medium

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Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Jacob the other day, according to Buntu in Part 3?
(a) He was found drunk at a popular bar.
(b) He was buried.
(c) He was arrested.
(d) He made a speech from his home.

2. When Buntu finally fetches the book, what does he first tell Sizwe?
(a) The dead man's name.
(b) The dead man's age.
(c) The dead man's home town.
(d) The dead man's visa status.

3. .What does Buntu tell Sizwe to do after they have a fight outside of the bar?
(a) To get lost.
(b) To forget it all.
(c) To remember this moment.
(d) To come home.

4. Where does Sizwe say the raid took place?
(a) At the old dance hall.
(b) On Sizwe's old home.
(c) At Buntu's old village.
(d) On Zola's home.

5. Where is Sizwe when he introduces himself to other people on the night he went to the bar with Buntu?
(a) Outside of Buntu's house.
(b) Outise of Buntu's car.
(c) In the back alley of the bar.
(d) Out on the street in front of the bar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sizwe's angry question to Buntu when Buntu decides to leave the dead man alone?

2. What is a common theme between what Styles went through to get his shop and what Sizwe would have to go through to get a new passbook?

3. What does Buntu say to Sizwe in regards to seeing Sizwe's information in Part 3?

4. What does the significance of the dead man's name suggest?

5. After Sizwe says he doesn't want to die, how does this effect Buntu?

(see the answer keys)

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