Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of speech did the car manufacturer owner want to give to the employees?
(a) An endearing speech.
(b) An educational speech.
(c) An inspirational speech.
(d) A quick speech.

2. In whose house does Zwelinzima say that he stayed while narrating his letter?
(a) Guntu.
(b) Maloo.
(c) Zola.
(d) Buntu.

3. What is the main character reading at the opening of the play?
(a) A book.
(b) A magazine.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A letter.

4. How does Zwelinzima explain the series of happenings that apparently gave him only three days to leave his dwelling?
(a) It is basically unexplained.
(b) The stories do not make sense.
(c) The stories seem to be lies.
(d) Each story intertwines deeply into the next.

5. Who does Zwelinzima introduce himself to Buntu as in the end of Part 2?
(a) Vladimir Banzi.
(b) Sizwe Banzi.
(c) Styles' brother.
(d) Bob Lorenz.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first customer that Styles describes coming into the shop for a picture?

2. What does Styles tell the man who is picking up his family photos to do?

3. What interrupts Styles' story to the audience at the end of Part 1?

4. What other piece of contact information does Zwelinzima give to Styles?

5. Which car manufacturing plant did Styles originally work for?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sizwe tear off his clothes in Part 4?

2. What is the significance of Robert being illuminated in the spotlight with the passbook in hand, segueing into his resuming the narration of the letter to Noweto?

3. Why might Styles' charming demeanor come as a surprise to the audience, given the times in which this play takes place, as well as the period in which it was performed?

4. What all does Sizwe say to Noweto, his wife, in his letter at the end of Part 5?

5. In Part 4, how is it revealed that Sizwe has already taken on the dead man's identity?

6. Are Sizwe's and Buntu's reactions to finding the dead body the same? Explain your answer.

7. How does Styles transform Robert's attitude in Part 2?

8. What could be the meaning behind Buntu quietly telling Sizwe to "come along home" at the end of this Part?

9. How do Styles' mannerisms and outward thoughts affect the audience's understanding of Styles' life views?

10. What is the playwright implying about the fact that "Robert" was still unsuccessful working with Zola?

(see the answer keys)

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